Showing posts with label Health articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health articles. Show all posts

Saturday 5 February 2022

Heartburn Self-Care Tips

Heartburn Self-Care Tips

Heartburn sufferers should take heart—relief from this troublesome condition is often achievable through lifestyle and dietary changes as well as medication. The National Heartburn Alliance offers the following tips for sufferers who yearn to stop the burn:

  • Limit foods and beverages that fan the flames
    Avoid foods and beverages that trigger symptoms and may irritate lining of the esophagus or affect the LES which controls the flow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus. These items include chocolate, peppermint, fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, citrus fruits and juices, garlic and raw onion, tomato sauce, vinegar, caffeinated and carbonated beverages.
  • Eat smaller dinners... and eat earlier
    Decrease the size of portions at mealtimes and eat meals at least 2-3 hours before lying down to lessen the likelihood of reflux.
  • Monitor your meds : Check with your health care professional to see if one of the medications you are taking might be triggering your heartburn. Aspirin and other pain medications (other than acetaminophen), some antibiotics and iron tablets are a few of the common culprits. Never stop taking any prescribed medication without consulting your health care professional.
  • Feel the burn without the burn:
    Certain types of exercise that increase abdominal pressure can aggravate heartburn symptoms, but don't give up this healthy habit. Talk to your trainer or fitness expert at the local gym about exercise substitutes and try not to eat just before, during or just after exercise.
Heartburn Self-Care Tips

  • Shed some pounds
     Extra pounds can increase heartburn incidence. Some heartburn sufferers find their symptoms improve by losing weight through a healthy weight-loss plan.

  • Stop or decrease smoking
            Cigarette smoking inhibits saliva, one of the body's natural protective barriers against damage to the esophagus. Smoking also may stimulate acid production and weaken the important valve that prevents stomach acid from entering the esophagus.

  • Fight acid creep while you sleep
                Elevate the head of your bed four to six inches using blocks to prevent acid from creeping up the esophagus. Also, try sleeping on your left side, which may decrease reflux symptoms. If nighttime heartburn occurs frequently, consider a proton pump inhibitor that acts for 24 hours

  • Loosen up
            Reduce abdominal pressure by not wearing tight belts or binding clothing.

  • Find the pharmacy
Try an over-the-counter medication and take as directed for heartburn. Ask your pharmacist to recommend a medication appropriate for your type of heartburn.

  • Relax
            Stress is not proven to cause acid reflux but it can make you more aware of your heartburn symptoms. Also, because of stress, one may engage in behaviors that trigger heartburn—eating high-fat foods, smoking, drinking caffeinated beverages.

Heartburn Self-Care Tips

  • Linger over lunch
        Slow down and eat less. Gulping down food in a hurry can result in eating more before you feel satisfied. Over-filling the stomach can result in reflux and heartburn.

  • Candy is dandy
        Sucking on hard candy encourages production of saliva, which acts as a natural barrier to acid. Just be sure to avoid mint candies, which can stimulate acid reflux.

  • Keep a reflux record
        Try to keep a diary noting when heartburn hits and the specific activities that seem to trigger the incidents. The diary can help you identify what you should avoid and may be a helpful tool for your health care professional to evaluate your condition and treatment needs.

  • Ask "what's up, doc?"
            If you are consistently taking medicine for heartburn or if you still have symptoms after taking medication, you should see a health care professional. You might have gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, which, if left untreated, may be potentially serious. If you have alarm symptoms consult your doctor immediately.

Friday 28 January 2022

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals-

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin and mineral information is not vital to our body, as vitamins and minerals are, but it can help us make improved choices both in terms of the food we eat. – And in significant when we need to take vitamin and mineral supplements to make up the deficit.

Whilst vitamin and minerals are essential for our body, as nutrients, and occasionally catalysts to get our metabolic procedure going, our body does not make most of its own. Some B vitamin complex are made in our gut, provided we have a healthy population of good bacteria or the probiotics. But usually, we get our vitamins and minerals from food themselves.

Vitamins and minerals are like the foot soldiers in the army. They get about doing their work, but they do so as part of an organized team. Vitamin in sequence describes how we need  thirteen different types of vitamins to make sure our body works as it should – mend and making new tissue and cells, underneath the immune system, serving the body’s metabolism, and get rid of waste and metabolic by-products.

Vitamins and minerals don’t manipulate things like our heart rate, high or low blood pressure, or glucose levels in the body. But they do go into the making of the things that do – our enzymes and hormones. The body slot in compound pathways, a bit like a line of dominos, for the tasks that require to be done. And many vitamins, like vitamin K, are concerned in these. Vitamin K for example, takes part in the procedure by that glucose is stored in our cells, set for when it’s desirable.

Vitamins and Minerals-

Vitamin and minerals – How Much is enough?

Depending on our age and gender, whether we are breastfeeding or pregnant, we all have diverse vitamin and minerals needs. The RDA (recommended daily allowance) takes into details the diverse metabolic requirements we face at different life stages.

Children, teenagers and infants all have special daily vitamin and minerals needs, as do the elderly people. They reflect the levels of movement of our rising and waning body systems.

If you are interested in reading more on dietary supplements , read below:

Dietary supplements – what exactly are they?

Dietary supplements are so-called supplements. Therefore, these are - as the name food supplements already define - products that are intended to supplement our daily diet.

They are offered in numerous forms, including tablets, capsules, powder, or even in liquid form. They contain numerous nutrients such as vitamins or minerals that are also found in normal foods, but not in such a concentrated form and in such high doses. Most dietary supplements consist of herbal substances such as St. John's wort, ginger or garlic, but there are also dietary supplements containing animal products such as salmon oil capsules.

Dietary supplements can be bought over the counter online or in drugstores, not just in pharmacies. Since they are officially not considered medicine but foodstuffs, which are subject to the food ordinance subject to your own Country where you reside. However, some dietary supplements are offered as part of medical treatments, mainly in the field of medicine. With dietary supplements, the body can absorb many more of the important substances than is possible with daily food intake.

Where can I get nutritional supplements?

You can get the normal and far too high doses of food supplements in every shop, but you can get the really good and therefore healthy ones at your local pharmacy store

What do dietary supplements do?

There are many different forms of dietary supplements. Some are packed with vitamins, some with magnesium, some with iron. Generally, these dietary supplements are available in tablet form, some as regular tablets, some as effervescent tablets. But the commercially available dietary supplements from the supermarket are sometimes even harmful in their dosage.

Other, really good tablets also contain a high concentration of the ingredient, but this is not a concern. Exactly these dietary supplements with the right dose help people who are very heavily involved in their work or who always have a busy schedule and do not manage to eat healthy all around due to lack of time.

Don't get me wrong, these supplements are not a substitute for a healthy and complete meal, they don't serve as the equivalent of ingesting fruit and veg, but on days when you've had absolutely no opportunity to eat healthily, it certainly is appropriate to take these pills.

Wishing you good health, as always :-) !!!

Tuesday 18 January 2022

Guide to remove soft contact lenses safely

Guide to remove soft contact lenses safely

How to Remove Contact Lenses Safely. The latter is difficult than the former one which raises risk of damaging the eyes. 

In the following article, there are precautionary measures given on how to remove contact lenses safely.

Steps to Remove Contact Lenses Safely

Here are steps that will hopefully help you to remove contacts skillfully.

  1. Prior touching your contacts, make sure you wash your hands using a disinfectant solution. Dirty hands may raise risk of causing eye infections.
  2. Now that your fingers are clean, open your eyes widely so that the eyeball area is visible.

    3.    Fill the contact lens case with disinfectant solution beforehand.

   4.    Now use the index finger of the recessive hand to pull the upper eyelid and then use middle finger of dominant hand to pull the lower eyelid. 

   5.     Look up and using the index finger of dominant hand, slowly pull down the contact lens and take out the lens.

    6. Rinse the contact lens before putting it in the appropriate case.

   7.     Repeat the same with another lens. Give rest to your eyes for sometime after removing the contacts.

Precautions While Removing Contact Lenses:

  • Be careful and always handle the lens gently while removing it out.
  • Avoid growing long fingernails as these can tear the lens while removing out.
  • Never use the normal tap water for rinsing the lens.
  • After removing the lens form the eyes, out them in a new solution.
  • Remove your face makeup only after removing the contact lens.

Following these steps and precaution to remove contact lenses may seem tiring during initial days. 

However, once you get used, it seems to be very simple and easy. Hope this article may find helpful to you.

Thursday 30 December 2021

Difference between Common Cold, Flu and PNEUMONIA

Hello Readers,

Do you know the difference between COMMON COLD, FLU AND PNEUMONIA?

In this post, let us understand differences between these three symptoms and how to treat:

Common Cold, Flu and PNEUMONIA

Key Symptoms

Whilst Pneumonia may present symptoms similar to the common cold, it is in fact more sever.

Symptoms include difficulty breathing, fever, shivering or sweating, chest pain, fatigue and a dry or phlegm producing cough.

What is it ?

Caused by an infection from bacteria, viruses or fungi, which causes the lungs to become inflamed and swell up with fluid.

How long will it last and how can it be prevented?

It may take weeks to feel well again after catching Pneumonia. Even mild cases of Pneumonia can leave  you with a cough that persists of two to three weeks after treatment.

Vaccination can help reduce the risk of  Pneumococcal Pneumonia,  the most common form of bacterial Pneumonia.


Mild cases can usually be treated with antibiotics, lots of rest and fluids at home. Left untreated, Pneumonia can be serious and life threatening.

HelathCampIndia- Common Cold, Flu and PNEUMONIA

Key Symptoms:

Tend to start more suddenly and last longer than those of the common cold and include high temperature, a headache, exhaustion and aches and pains. Symptoms tend to be more profound than a common cold.

What is it?

A common viral infection caused by the influenza virus, not caused by the same virus as a cold.

How long will it last and how cant it be prevented?

Generally lasts for around a week, however sufferers may feel tired for much longer. Unlike a cold, you can help protect yourself against flu with a flu vaccine.


As with a cold, if you have flu you can look after yourself at home by having plenty of rest and fluids. For older children (over 16 years) and adults, over the counter cold & flu remedies can be used to relieve symptoms. 

Sometimes antiviral medication can be used to reduce symptoms and aid recovery

Common Cold

Key Symptoms

Sore throat, blocked or runny nose, headaches, muscle aches, sneezing, a raised temperature and a cough

What is it?

A mild viral infection of the nose and throat

How long will it last and how can it be prevented?

A cold usually clears up on its own within a week or two. There is no reliable prevention of colds, but you can help stop your cold spreading to friends and family by washing your hands regularly and always using a tissue to cough or sneeze.


Unfortunately there is no cure for a cold, it is recommended to rest and drink plenty of fluids. 

For children over 6 years old and adults, over the counter cold remedies can be used to relieve symptoms

Thank you for reading


Saturday 30 October 2021

How Vegetarians Can Get More Iron In Their Diet

How Vegetarians Can Get More Iron In Their Diet

It is a widely believed that vegetarians need more iron as compared to non vegetarians because plants naturally do not have the tendency to absorb irons as efficiently as meat. However, it is a myth that vegetarian diets are not rich in iron.

When the question arises ‘where vegetarians get iron from?’ the sources are endless. Despite all the debate, the surprising truth is that vegetarians tend to get more iron in their diets. A well balanced and smartly planned diet has enough iron to fulfil every individual’s need.

Vegetarians get more iron as compared to non-vegetarians as they are heavily relying on fruits that have plenty of iron. As far as the question of vegetarians getting enough iron is concerned, the plant world is enriched with iron. Available In breads, cereals, legumes, nuts, leafy vegetables, seeds, dried fruits etc, vegetarians actually never face any trouble getting sufficient quantity of iron.

Why sufficient quantity of iron is so important? Because iron deficiency is synonymous to anemia.  Anemia is a condition of the body in which it suffers from the scarcity of red blood cells. Initial symptoms of anemia include fatigue, irregular and rapid heartbeat, dizziness etc.

How to Get Vegetarians Adequate Amounts of Iron?

Since the iron supplied to the body by vegetables is not as well absorbed as that provided by meat, this problem can easily be remedied by taking a few simple measures.

Vitamin C plays a significant role in increasing iron absorption. Therefore, vegetarians should make food rich in vitamin C an essential part of their diet.

Dairy products decrease iron absorption so vegetarians should go easy when consuming dairy products.

Calcium also prevents the body from absorbing iron from meals so vegetarians should prefer taking calcium between meals rather than taking them along with meals.

Vegetarians have a higher intake of iron, but in spite of this it is not stored as effectively in their bodies, making them prone to iron deficiency. Vegetarians can easily get the desired supply of iron by using the huge variety of plant foods that are available.

It is important to note that consuming foods in large quantities that discourage iron absorption in the body can lead to drastic consequences. While there are a lot of myths about vegetarians getting inadequate amounts of iron, with the above mentioned simple steps, anyone can ensure a constant supply of it.

Remember that iron is vital for a number of vital body functions and by eating smart, vegetarians can easily get iron and store it effortlessly.

Best weight-loss drinks at home

Best weight-loss drinks at home

or many of us, losing weight involves counting the calories we eat – not those we drink. But did you know that, on average, almost 20 percent of the calories we consume come from beverages? This can add up to thousands of extra calories per week – and put a serious crimp in your weight loss efforts.

If you’re serious about losing weight, you have to pay close attention to the beverages you consume. Beverages such as sugary sodas, fruit punches and cocktails are fine in moderation, but should be limited or avoided entirely when you’re trying to lose weight. Instead, focus on drinking the following beverages. Not only are they calorie free, but they have a number of important health benefits to help you look and feel your best.


It doesn’t get much better (or cheaper) than good ol’ H20. Studies have found water to be an effective weight loss aid because it helps encourage the stomach to feel full. For best results, drink two full glasses of water before mealtime. The water will make you feel fuller faster so that you’ll be less likely to overeat.

In addition to the weight loss benefits, drinking adequate amounts of water can help boost energy levels, reduce stress, prevent muscle cramping during exercise and improve your metabolism! For an extra metabolism boost, make sure the water you drink is ice cold; your body will have to work extra hard to warm it up.

Women should aim to drink about 9 8-ounce glasses of water each day. That number increases for men, who should aim for 13 glasses a day.

Green Tea

If you’re looking for a mild caffeine boost, green tea is a good option. Not only is it calorie free, but some studies have shown that it also stimulates weight loss! Drink two glasses of green tea a day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon or early evening—to reap the biggest weight loss benefits of green tea.

Green tea drinkers can also look forward to the disease-fighting properties of the tea, along with its ability to lower cholesterol and prevent type 2 Diabetes.


If you can’t get through a morning without your daily dose of caffeine, take heart. Coffee is a zero calorie beverage that, when consumed in moderation, will support your weight loss efforts. Just be careful not to overload it with sugar and cream, as this will add unnecessary fat and calories into your diet.

In addition to giving you a jolt of energy, coffee has been shown to reduce the symptoms of depression and reduce instances of cancer, type 2 Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and stroke. Moderation is key, however, as heavy coffee drinkers may experience irregular heartbeats, restlessness and anxiety.


An all-natural smoothie for breakfast or afternoon snack is a great way to satisfy your hunger, increase your daily intake of fruits and vegetables and increase your intake of fiber. One smoothie that is particularly good for you is a green smoothie, which utilizes fresh greens such as spinach, kale or chard. 

These greens are blended smoothly with water and fruits such as bananas, pineapples, mangos or peaches into a sweet, delicious beverage.

When making your smoothie, use soymilk, water or a mix of 100 percent fruit juice and water as the liquid base. This will reduce the calories and eliminate the fat found in most dairy products.

And while green tea, coffee and smoothies will all support a healthy weight loss diet, there is one clear winner on the list – water. To improve your health and weight loss efforts, challenge yourself to drink more water every day by getting into the habit of drinking two full glasses of water before meals, carrying around a water bottle or adding a splash of fruit juice to enhance the flavor.

What’s your secret to drinking more water?

Sunday 17 October 2021

Face Mask for Oily Skin

 Different skin types bring about different skin concerns.

Though most of the facial masks available are only up to making outlandish claims, they do have some good things to offer for oily skin. But first what is oily skin? What are the indications of skin that is oily?

It is easy to determine a skin that is oily by just looking at it. If your face is a bit shiny and really looks greasy, then yes you have oily skin. People with this type of skin normally suffer from acne.

They would also have numerous blackheads. When the skin is oily, it means there is a lot of sebum, and you can expect your skin to less likely get dry and be chapped. Unfortunately, when the skin is this way, most of the dirt and dust present in the environment tend to stick to it. Dry skin is less likely to experience such a thing, but then again, people with dry skin also have their own problems.

There are many ways to remedy oily skin. You can wash it with water and soup and it would be better if you use a cleansing bar. You should also make use of astringents and toners as well. You can also benefit from products that contain a little alcohol. And yes, use a facial mask for oily skin.

There are many facial masks for oily skin out there. Choosing the best for you can be a big help for controlling oily skin. You can use a clay face mask. It is best if the main ingredient is fuller’s earth. When you do use it, spread it all over your face. When the clay starts to dry, the oil that is excessively produced in your skin will be absorbed along the way. Moreover, the dust particles lodged on your skin will also be absorbed. You can also make use of thye. This would help in tightening your skin. The blood circulation on the skin will also be highly improved.

There are other facial masks for oily skin out there. These include orange masks, honey masks, cucumber and milk masks, kaolin masks and others. It is better to use a facial mask that is homemade because those that are prepared commercially are likely to contain chemicals that may be harmful along with preservatives. There are many instruction on homemade facial masks found on the internet.

Saturday 16 October 2021

Why people are tolerating face masks – and why this is the best skin routine

Use of face masks- healthcampindia

Using a face mask is a great way to rejuvenate the skin 

Face masks exfoliate the skin by removing dead skin cells on your face, and subsequently improves the texture of your face. Face masks also deeply cleanse the skin, removing both superficial and deeply imbedded dirt and impurities on the face. 

Face masks are also used to unclog the pores and prevent subsequent problems, such as pimples. All these contribute to the better functioning of the skin after using a face mask, and enable the skin to absorb products, such as moisturizer, better.

After using a face mask, the skin appears much clearer and more youthful. By allowing the mask to dry and to harden, the blood vessels in the skin dilate, improving circulation to the face. This ensures that the skin receives the necessary nutrients it needs to glow, resulting in improved skin tone.

 There are several different kinds of face masks that one can use. These include a surgical face mask, a full face mask, and a homemade face mask. Surgical face masks are face masks that have been pre-medicated to help solve specific skin problems. Pimples, allergies and rashes are best treated with this kind of face mask. Acne can effectively be treated with a surgical face mask – it has a germicidal effect to prevent the spread of the acne while helping heal the skin on the face.

A full face mask, meanwhile, is best used for oily and combination type skins. Full face masks draw out oil and pollution from the skin’s surface, and help unclog the pores. It also improves the texture of the skin by tightening the pores. 

The cleansing action prevents the development of blackheads ad whiteheads. Homemade face masks are inexpensive alternatives to the commercial face masks available in spas. Various ingredients that can be found at home may be used, depending on your skin type. Common ingredients which can be used for all skin types are papaya and cucumber.

Papaya exerts a cleansing effect, and helps remove dead skin cells. Meanwhile, cucumber tightens the pores, leaving the skin with a fresh and cool feeling afterwards.

For oily skin, try using strawberries mixed with rosewater, or lemon juice and oatmeal. Avocados are also frequently used for oily skin. For dry skin, honey and egg yolk are typically combined into a paste. 

For combination skin, yogurt may be used directly on the face. Yogurt helps make the skin softer and returns the natural environment of the skin. Various skin problems can also be addressed by homemade face masks. 

For blackheads, you may combine oatmeal with egg white, and apply it to the face. For sunburn, mayonnaise or lemon juice can be applied on the skin. In order for face masks to work, they should be used regularly.

The face mask should be worn for at least 20 minutes, allowing it to harden. Place it prior to taking a shower, and rinse it off using warm water. Face masks should be applied at least once a week to achieve the maximum benefits.

Best Ten Tips to Fight Insomnia [100% Proven Method]

 Best Ten Tips to Fight Insomnia [100% Proven Method]

Here is 100% proven method to deal with Insomnia, also called as sleeping disorder. Ever wondered how to cure insomnia quickly in minutes time? Below tips will help you treat yourself sleeping problems

10) Try to keep regular hours. - Your body likes a regular schedule and after a while it will condition itself to fall asleep at a certain time. This can be difficult if you work weird hours or have a new baby and so on but do the best you can.

9) Drink herbal tea. - Chamomile, fennel, or anise tea can help you relax and fall asleep faster. You might have to try several before you find one that works for you but your local health food store will have many blends for you to choose from.

8) Try some exercise. - I didn’t believe it either but once I started beating on a punching bag three times a week my stress and anxiety levels went down significantly and that allowed me to get some sleep. Getting all of that pent up energy out of your system can really work wonders.

7) Read something. - Reading can help take your mind off the rest of your day and if you pick something somewhat boring enough it can put you right to sleep. Try computer books, those seem to do the trick.

6) Soak away your stress. - A nice warm bath can help relax your muscles and get you in a sleepy mood. A few candles and some light music can heighten the effect. Don’t do it too close to your bedtime though because sometimes a bath can have a stimulating effect.

5) Improve your sleeping environment. - Is your bed lumpy? Is there a lot of noise? Is it dark enough? There are countless environmental factors which could be adversely affecting your sleep. Do what you can to minimize those problems and you could be well on your way to a good night’s sleep.

Best Ten Tips to Fight Insomnia [100% Proven Method]

4) Learn to relax. - With your eyes closed, imagine your body gently falling asleep from your toes on up. Go slowly and really let yourself feel your body unwinding. By the time you get to your head, there is a good chance you’ll fall asleep without even trying. This technique takes a little practice but it can be very effective.

3) Skip the caffeine. - As a society we tend to minimize the fact that caffeine is a drug and because of that we sometimes lose sight of the fact that it is a powerful stimulant that can wreck havoc on the human body. A good friend of mine suffered from insomnia for years, mainly because he drank a 12-pack of caffeinated pop per day. When he finally gave it up, his sleep routine returned to normal within about a week. If you must have it, cut back and consume it early in the day.

2) Try melatonin. - Melatonin is sold in health food stores and it can be very effective in getting your sleep cycle back on track. In fact, if If you are on medication or have a medical condition, be sure to let your doctor know you are taking it.

1) See a doctor. - If you have prolonged or severe insomnia, it is possible that you have an underlying condition which is causing it. These conditions range from simple stress to allergies, heart disease, and even Parkinson’s disease. A thorough check-up now could not only help your insomnia but it could save your life!

Monday 30 August 2021

Can Omega 3 Help You Lose Weight?

Can Omega 3 Help You Lose Weight - HealthCampIndia blogspot

Carrying around excess weight is a burden for many people. It does horrible things for your health and can make you feel bad. Many people also believe that they are disgusting and unattractive. Luckily, there is a lot you can do to help yourself if you are suffering from too much weight, including taking omega three fish oil.

Common activities for helping yourself to lose weight include a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and low in fats and sugars.

While this may seem like common sense, the important thing to remember is to be consistent. Many people will eat healthy for a little bit, but then give up when they mess up a little. If you splurge now and then, it does not mean give up altogether. You just need to pull yourself together and move on.

Can Omega 3 Help You Lose Weight - HealthCampIndia blogspot

You should also be exercising regularly in such a way that you are getting your heart rate up. This may simply mean walking for you, or it could be running or another form of exercise. The point is that whatever you do, you should be engaging in physical activity three to five times a week for a period of twenty minutes, and be getting your heart rate up.

This way, you will be working to lose weight. Also, make sure that you are getting a decent amount of sleep. Many people need a full eight hours of sleep to function properly and perform well. You are likely no exception.

Now on to Omega three fish oils. You can use these to help you lose weight. The fatty acids, DHA, and EPA reduce triglyceride levels in the body. As a result, they can help with controlling bad cholesterol and obesity. The three fats have been shown by many studies to help with weight loss.

Balance your diet with nutritional supplements like fish oils with omega three to aid you in your weight loss goal. Do not try to use plant oils instead, as they are filled with saturated fat content so are not good for people who are trying to lose weight. They also lower blood pressure greatly if taken in too large an amount.

There it is diet, exercise, and taking omega three fish oil supplements will help you to shed those pounds and be a healthier, more attractive you!

Sunday 29 August 2021

The New Reality - You should know about sugar

The New Reality - You should know about sugar

Now is the time you should know more information about sugar. I am referring more to your intake of sugar via everyday foods, and some of which you may even think is “healthy”! 

Taking sugar in tea or coffee is one thing – we choose to add it, we can “see” we are adding it, we know it’s in there, and we now how much is in there.

However, “taking sugar” in every day foods is something quite different, and something many people are completely unaware of

If you eat any of the following foods on a regular basis (cereal bars, cereals, sauces, soups, bottled water (!!), chocolate, canned drinks etc.), you most definitely “do take sugar”! 

I think some of this list is going to shock you – it did me, and I am rarely shocked these days with regards to modern-day diets and frankenstein foods!

This is by no means an exhaustive list, and even if you don’t eat these particular foods, it’s worth simply noting and being more aware of just how sugar makes it’s way into every area of modern-day food manufacturing.

This insidious ingredient is a known causative factor in modern-day disease and obesity, contributing significantly to weight problems, difficulty in losing weight, blood sugar disorders, digestive problems and even mood disorders.

I urge you all to be much more aware of your own sugar intake and simply keep it to an absolute minimum!

The following information on sugar content is for either a standard size or serving of the listed food, unless otherwise stated…

HealthCampIndia The New Reality - You should know about sugar

Cereal bars and chocolate bars

Nutri Grain cereal bar – 12.0g or 2.4 tsp of sugar

Nature Valley Crunch Bar – 12.0g or 2.4 tsp of sugar

Small Galaxy Bar – 25.5g or 5.1 tsp of sugar

Special K Bar – 8g or 1.4 tsp of sugar

Rice Krispies Squares – 10g or 2 tsp of sugar

Snickers Bar – 26.2g or 5.2 tsp of sugar

Mars Bar – 34.6g or 7 tsp of sugar

Eat Natural Bar – 14% glucose which equates to 4.9 tsp of sugar

Sesame Snaps – 15.9g or 3.1 tsp of sugar


Jar of Dolmio sauce (750g) – 50.2g or 10 tsp of sugar

Jar of Loyd Grossman Pasta Sauce (350g) – 16.8g or 3.4 tsp of sugar

Jar of Seeds of Change Organic Pasta Sauce – Tomato & Chilli – 29.4g or 5.9 tsp of sugar

Soups and one pot meals…

Heinz Tomato Soup (200g or 1/2 can) – 9.8g or 2 tsp of sugar

Tesco Classic Cream of Tomato (1/2 carton) – 15.5g or 3.1 tsp of sugar

Tomato and Basil Soup (1/2 carton) – 14.6g or 2.9 tsp of sugar

Covent Garden Butternut Squash soup (1/2 carton) – 6.3g or 1.2 tsp of sugar

Pot of Waitrose “Love Life” Prawn Jambalaya – 11.2g or 2.2 tsp of sugar

Pot of Waitrose “Love Life” Prawn Laksa – 11.2g or 2.2 tsp of sugar

Pot of Waitrose “Love Life” Moroccan Chicken and Chickpea – 15.6g or 3.1 tsp of sugar

Bottled waters, juices and canned drinks

Glaceau Vitamin Water – 23g or 4.6 tsp of sugar

Glass of Tropicana orange juice (200ml) – 20g or 4 tsp of sugar

Can of Coca Cola – 35g or 10 tsp of sugar

Can of Red Bull – 11g or 2.2 tsp of sugar

Breakfast cereals (45g servings)

Dorset Simply Delicious Muesli – 13.2g or 2.6 tsp of sugar

Dorset Honey Granola – 11.6g sugar or 2.3 tsp of sugar

Alpen Original Muesli – 10.4g or 2.1 tsp of sugar

Special K Red Berries – 10.4g or 2.1 tsp of sugar

Kelloggs Crunchy Nut – 16g or 3.2 tsp of sugar

Kelloggs Fruit and Fibre – 11g or 2.2 tsp of sugar

How to check the amount of sugar in your foods… It’s very easy to check for sugar content. On the Nutrition Label, look at the Carbohydrate content, which will be given in grams. 

Then look just below it at the “Of which sugars”. Note this number in grams, and divide by 5. This will give you the sugar content in teaspoons. N.B. 5 grams = 1 tsp

Sunday 27 June 2021

What are Empty Calories ? You should know about it


Everyday empty calories are gobbled up or gulped down by millions of unsuspecting people. Empty calories can be found in many popular beverages, snacks and foods that are the mainstay of your diet.

A look into your snack drawer, kitchen pantry, or work place vending machine may reveal a rich supply of foods and beverages that are loaded with empty calories. So, just what are empty calories? Calories that are primarily made up of solid fats and/or added sugars are called “empty calories’.

It is important to note that foods and beverages with empty calories add to your overall caloric intake but offer little to no nutritional value.

Solid fats are fats that keep their shape even when at room temperature. They are found in some foods naturally, but are routinely included in some recipes, and added to processed foods for extra flavor.

Health Camp India

Butter and shortening are examples of solid fats Sugar is naturally found in certain foods, but sugar in excess is not your friend. 

Added sugars are sugars and syrups that are added when foods or beverages are processed or prepared. 

Solid fats and added sugars can make a food or beverage more appealing, but they also can add a lot of extra calories without nutritional value.

The added sugars in recipes and processed foods can be detrimental to your diet and health. Some examples of added sugars are corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup and sugar.

Added sugars are found most often in cakes, cookies, pastries, and donuts (contain both solid fat and added sugars) Sodas, energy drinks, sports drinks, and fruit drinks (contain added sugars), Ice cream (contains both solid fat and added sugars)

Health Camp India

Both solid fats and added sugars are used to enhance overall food flavor. However, solid fats and added sugars can unleash a ton of empty calories that can sabotage your best your weight loss efforts.

Cakes, cookies, pastries, sodas, cheese, pizza, sports drinks, ice cream, hot dogs and bacon are some examples of foods with empty calories There is good news. Some foods with an excess of solid fats or added sugars offer lower-calorie choices.

Drinking non-fat milk instead of whole milk is a great way to get calcium and other nutrients without extra fat and calories. Or instead of fried chicken, which is loaded with empty calories, make it a protein-rich, skinless baked chicken meal. 

Avoiding empty calories when possible can change your health profile from poor to better.

Saturday 12 June 2021

Guide to Pregnancy Care

Guide to Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy is the most crucial phase of a woman's life and a happy one too - if everything's fine and without complications. However, the presence of the following signs is a serious cause of concern and need to be brought to the doctor's notice immediately:

  • If the mother is suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney and heart diseases, tuberculosis, or any other chronic illness.
  • If the mother is malnourished, suffering from serve anemia or osteomalacia (due to the deficiency of vitamin D and calcium).
  • If the previous pregnancy had resulted in an abortion, still or premature birth of physically or mentally retarded body.
  • If there was excessive bleeding, toxemia or any infections during the previous pregnancy.
Guide to Pregnancy Care

  • If the mother's age is less than 18 years or more than 35 years.
  • If the mother is obese or underweight.
  • If the mother is suffering from AIDS, Hepatitis B or syphilis or other sexually transmitted or infectious diseases.
  • If the mother is drug addict, smoker, alcoholic, or epileptic.
  • If the mother's blood group is Rh negative and the father's is Rh positive.

If you doubt the presence of any of the above you must surely consult the doctor. Its better to take precautions at the early stages so as to prevent complications in the final stages of pregnancy.

Monday 31 May 2021

5 Signs You Need to See the Dentist

5 Signs You Need to See the Dentist

Many adults dislike visiting the dentist, but there are some symptoms that you just can't ignore. Here are five signs that you should schedule an appointment with your dentist:

Bleeding Gums:

Bleeding gums may be a result of gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. They're also a common sign of inflammation, which can lead to a variety of issues, including:

  • Bone loss

  • Gum recession

  • Abscesses

Your gums may bleed from aggressive brushing, but you should always get bleeding gums checked out by a dentist to make sure nothing's wrong. If you floss for the first time after neglecting to for a while, your gums may bleed as well. This should clear up after a week of flossing regularly, though.

Red or Swollen Gums

“If your gums are healthy, they should be pink and firm, and they shouldn't hurt when you eat or brush your teeth,” notes Smile on Chicago, a dentist in Chicago. Redness, swelling, and tenderness in the gums is usually a sign of severe inflammation. It's especially common for your gums to swell up around a partially erupted wisdom tooth. Pay careful attention to your wisdom teeth to make sure plaque doesn't accumulate under the gum flap.

Sensitive Teeth:

If you feel pain or sensitivity from cold or hot foods and drinks, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist right away. Sensitivity or discomfort may be caused by a cavity or plaque buildup. If plaque buildup is the only issue, a thorough cleaning at your dentist's office can solve the problem.

5 Signs You Need to See the Dentist

Bad Breath:

Bad breath is a sign of a number of health issues, including:

  • Poor diet

  • Acid reflux

  • Dry mouth

  • Chronic sinus infection

  • Diabetes

  • Medication side effects

  • Gum disease

Although most of these issues aren't actually related to dental health, your dentist can help you narrow down the potential causes of your bad breath to figure out what's wrong. You may be tempted to just cover up your bad breath with gum or mints, but this won't solve the cause of the problem.

Jaw Pain:

If you frequently experience jaw pain, it could be a sign of a serious issue. Teeth grinding, abscessed teeth, a misaligned bite, and TMJ disorder can all cause jaw pain. The sooner you see your dentist for treatment, the sooner you can get rid of the jaw pain.

Sunday 30 May 2021

Holistic Cancer Healing

Holistic Cancer Healing

Cancer is not considered a single disease. It is a complex and large group of malignancies which can affect every organ in your body. Cancer cells reproduce themselves at a rapid rate unlike normal cell production. If the cells metastasize, they can attack different organs. These cells then break off and travel through the blood stream to other parts of the body and begin metastasize. Cancer can be caused by both external and internal factors. Exposure to carcinogens poisons, pesticides, etc. can cause cancer as well as hormones and inherited DNA mutations can create cancerous cells in the body. There are many treatments available for cancer today.

The medical treatments include radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and hormone therapy. These are all acceptable treatments that are effective, however not without side effects. The medical treatment of cancer is very hard on the body physically. That is when holistic cancer healing steps in. This body of healing modalities can help repair the immune system, stave off side affects of traditional treatment and lower stress, prevent illness and even help cure diseases. Alternative practices for cancer treatment of cancer have become more commonplace in the medical world now.

Holistic Cancer Healing

These have made patients feel better and recover more quickly from chemo and other invasive therapies. Ayurvedic practices have even cured cancer patients and the research backs this up. Holistic cancer healing addresses the entire person, their culture, their beliefs, their diet, their spiritual leanings and basically the “whole” person. Holistic cancer healing promotes a healthy diet. Colorful vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains and lean meats (not processed) comprise a holistic diet. Sugars are banned because they bring people into the cancer zone. 

Cancer loves sugar, thrives on sugar, so anyone embracing the holistic lifestyle omits sugar from their diet. They also forego bacon, pork, beef, processed foods, high fat/salt snacks, sodas and any other high fructose corn syrup added to any drink, condiment or snack.

They stop coffee (and the high fat/sugar drinks disguised as coffee) in favor of green tea, loaded with antioxidants. Complementary therapies are usually given alongside medical therapies. Art therapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, counseling, visualization, massage, meditation, homeopathy, acupressure, reflexology, acupuncture, electromagnetic therapy, essiac (a mixture of herbs), iscador (mistletoe extract) and gerson, herbal and vitamin/mineral supplements are given in addition to regular medical therapies. 

Holistic Cancer Healing

A key link in holistic cancer healing is dealing with your mind. Do you watch a lot of negative TV? Do you believe news stations “perception” of the state of the world? Do you think that everyone is out to get you? Do you think it’s your mother’s or father’s fault? If you have any of these erroneous beliefs or habits lurking in you daily living, you may want to rethink your paradigm. 

Hanging onto resentment, fear, anger and hostilities can only add to your stress and your immune system can’t deal with undue stress when you have cancer. Let it go. Your cancer is telling you it’s time to let go. The ultimate healing in holistic cancer healing is letting go of the past. The problem with holistic cancer healing is it hasn’t undergone the rigorous scientific testing that chemo, radiation, etc. has undergone. 

The herbalists and practitioners who have found success for various holistic cancer healing modalities don’t have the funds to undergo clinical trials that the FDA requires for testing. Ironic that the pharmaceutical industry has millions to throw to the FDA for funding trials, and the FDA continues to throw our products that are not safe, do not work and are a “miss” as far as treating the specific disease. 

Holistic Cancer Healing

No matter! If you have cancer, you can best take control of your life by eating a healthy nutritious diet consisting of organic colorful veggies, colorful fruits, and fish, chicken and whole grains as well as tofu and Tempe. You can take control of your health at any level you choose.

Saturday 29 May 2021

5 Smart ways to Boost Your Metabolism Like a Pro

5 Smart ways to Boost Your Metabolism Like a Pro

In this post, let discuss on 5 Smart ways to Boost Your Metabolism Like a Pro. God designed our wonderful bodies with a special process called metabolism. Your metabolism is what converts food into fuel. It also affects how efficiently you burn that fuel. 

The calories you get form the food you eat are converted in energy that you can use. Metabolism establishes the rate at which we burn our calories it is also the key to losing weight and keeping it off. 

If you are eating less or cutting back on the calories, and the scale doesn’t move it may be a sign of a sluggish metabolism. A sluggish metabolism is not a curse of midlife, as many like to call it, but a fact that your metabolic rate naturally slows down as you get older. It is God’s reminder that you are not immortal. If you feel tired and don’t have the energy to get through your day, your metabolic rate may be sluggish.

Use these 5 tips to rev up your metabolism and be more energetic.

1. Move more: Get up and move. When you do your heart and your body will thank you. Ongoing research at the Mayo Clinic has found that you can burn almost an additional 1,000 calories a day simply by getting off your buns and moving around more. 

The researchers call this Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT). NEAT research shows that metabolic rates increase when you move around more. The evidence suggests that if you do a task while standing and pacing (walking around) you can burn at least 100 more calories than you can by doing the same task and just sitting. Motion fitness is the best cure for sitting sickness (couch potato syndrome). Get up and move more.

2. Walk more. Be intentional and walk. Use the stairs and not just down. Park further away than you normally do to get to your destination. Be heart smart and take a brisk walk for 30 minutes daily. To make sure your own workout is sufficiently strenuous and your metabolic rate is increasing, try talking during your workout.

3. Exercise more. Aerobic exercise can be somewhat like shopping on coupon day. If buy one item (A) at full price you get a second item (B) of equal value for free. Here is how it works. There are the calories that you burn while working out, but because your metabolic rate stays elevated, you continue to burn the extra calories after the work out is over.

Researchers call this the after burn. It’s your added bonus for speeding up your metabolism.

4. Flavor more. You can spice up your meals, which should be fiber rich vegetables and grains, to speed up your metabolism with peppery spices. Chili peppers, ginger, and turmeric, cayenne pepper, have all been found to give a metabolic boost. They make your food more flavorful, and have an added effect of reducing your food cravings and giving you phytonutrients. Enjoy this with green tea which contains EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate). EGCG is an antioxidant that has the same calorie burning effect as hot peppers.

5. Eat more. Eat small, but frequent, meals help to keep your metabolism running at optimum level. This means you burn more calories. When too much time elapses between meals your metabolism slows down to compensate. To avoid slowing down of your metabolism snack on low-calorie, high-protein foods, and get up and move.

These 5 tips will help you feel more energetic, and are just a few of the many ways you can boost your sluggish metabolism.

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