Saturday 5 February 2022

Heartburn Self-Care Tips

Heartburn Self-Care Tips

Heartburn sufferers should take heart—relief from this troublesome condition is often achievable through lifestyle and dietary changes as well as medication. The National Heartburn Alliance offers the following tips for sufferers who yearn to stop the burn:

  • Limit foods and beverages that fan the flames
    Avoid foods and beverages that trigger symptoms and may irritate lining of the esophagus or affect the LES which controls the flow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus. These items include chocolate, peppermint, fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, citrus fruits and juices, garlic and raw onion, tomato sauce, vinegar, caffeinated and carbonated beverages.
  • Eat smaller dinners... and eat earlier
    Decrease the size of portions at mealtimes and eat meals at least 2-3 hours before lying down to lessen the likelihood of reflux.
  • Monitor your meds : Check with your health care professional to see if one of the medications you are taking might be triggering your heartburn. Aspirin and other pain medications (other than acetaminophen), some antibiotics and iron tablets are a few of the common culprits. Never stop taking any prescribed medication without consulting your health care professional.
  • Feel the burn without the burn:
    Certain types of exercise that increase abdominal pressure can aggravate heartburn symptoms, but don't give up this healthy habit. Talk to your trainer or fitness expert at the local gym about exercise substitutes and try not to eat just before, during or just after exercise.
Heartburn Self-Care Tips

  • Shed some pounds
     Extra pounds can increase heartburn incidence. Some heartburn sufferers find their symptoms improve by losing weight through a healthy weight-loss plan.

  • Stop or decrease smoking
            Cigarette smoking inhibits saliva, one of the body's natural protective barriers against damage to the esophagus. Smoking also may stimulate acid production and weaken the important valve that prevents stomach acid from entering the esophagus.

  • Fight acid creep while you sleep
                Elevate the head of your bed four to six inches using blocks to prevent acid from creeping up the esophagus. Also, try sleeping on your left side, which may decrease reflux symptoms. If nighttime heartburn occurs frequently, consider a proton pump inhibitor that acts for 24 hours

  • Loosen up
            Reduce abdominal pressure by not wearing tight belts or binding clothing.

  • Find the pharmacy
Try an over-the-counter medication and take as directed for heartburn. Ask your pharmacist to recommend a medication appropriate for your type of heartburn.

  • Relax
            Stress is not proven to cause acid reflux but it can make you more aware of your heartburn symptoms. Also, because of stress, one may engage in behaviors that trigger heartburn—eating high-fat foods, smoking, drinking caffeinated beverages.

Heartburn Self-Care Tips

  • Linger over lunch
        Slow down and eat less. Gulping down food in a hurry can result in eating more before you feel satisfied. Over-filling the stomach can result in reflux and heartburn.

  • Candy is dandy
        Sucking on hard candy encourages production of saliva, which acts as a natural barrier to acid. Just be sure to avoid mint candies, which can stimulate acid reflux.

  • Keep a reflux record
        Try to keep a diary noting when heartburn hits and the specific activities that seem to trigger the incidents. The diary can help you identify what you should avoid and may be a helpful tool for your health care professional to evaluate your condition and treatment needs.

  • Ask "what's up, doc?"
            If you are consistently taking medicine for heartburn or if you still have symptoms after taking medication, you should see a health care professional. You might have gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, which, if left untreated, may be potentially serious. If you have alarm symptoms consult your doctor immediately.

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