Cancer is not considered a single disease. It is a complex and large group of malignancies which can affect every organ in your body. Cancer cells reproduce themselves at a rapid rate unlike normal cell production. If the cells metastasize, they can attack different organs. These cells then break off and travel through the blood stream to other parts of the body and begin metastasize. Cancer can be caused by both external and internal factors. Exposure to carcinogens poisons, pesticides, etc. can cause cancer as well as hormones and inherited DNA mutations can create cancerous cells in the body. There are many treatments available for cancer today.
The medical treatments include radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and hormone therapy. These are all acceptable treatments that are effective, however not without side effects. The medical treatment of cancer is very hard on the body physically. That is when holistic cancer healing steps in. This body of healing modalities can help repair the immune system, stave off side affects of traditional treatment and lower stress, prevent illness and even help cure diseases. Alternative practices for cancer treatment of cancer have become more commonplace in the medical world now.

These have made patients feel better and recover more quickly from chemo and other invasive therapies. Ayurvedic practices have even cured cancer patients and the research backs this up. Holistic cancer healing addresses the entire person, their culture, their beliefs, their diet, their spiritual leanings and basically the “whole” person. Holistic cancer healing promotes a healthy diet. Colorful vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains and lean meats (not processed) comprise a holistic diet. Sugars are banned because they bring people into the cancer zone.
Cancer loves sugar, thrives on sugar, so anyone embracing the holistic lifestyle omits sugar from their diet. They also forego bacon, pork, beef, processed foods, high fat/salt snacks, sodas and any other high fructose corn syrup added to any drink, condiment or snack.
They stop coffee (and the high fat/sugar drinks disguised as coffee) in favor of green tea, loaded with antioxidants. Complementary therapies are usually given alongside medical therapies. Art therapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, counseling, visualization, massage, meditation, homeopathy, acupressure, reflexology, acupuncture, electromagnetic therapy, essiac (a mixture of herbs), iscador (mistletoe extract) and gerson, herbal and vitamin/mineral supplements are given in addition to regular medical therapies.
A key link in holistic cancer healing is dealing with your mind. Do you watch a lot of negative TV? Do you believe news stations “perception” of the state of the world? Do you think that everyone is out to get you? Do you think it’s your mother’s or father’s fault? If you have any of these erroneous beliefs or habits lurking in you daily living, you may want to rethink your paradigm.
Hanging onto resentment, fear, anger and hostilities can only add to your stress and your immune system can’t deal with undue stress when you have cancer. Let it go. Your cancer is telling you it’s time to let go. The ultimate healing in holistic cancer healing is letting go of the past. The problem with holistic cancer healing is it hasn’t undergone the rigorous scientific testing that chemo, radiation, etc. has undergone.
The herbalists and practitioners who have found success for various holistic cancer healing modalities don’t have the funds to undergo clinical trials that the FDA requires for testing. Ironic that the pharmaceutical industry has millions to throw to the FDA for funding trials, and the FDA continues to throw our products that are not safe, do not work and are a “miss” as far as treating the specific disease.
No matter! If you have cancer, you can best take control of your life by eating a healthy nutritious diet consisting of organic colorful veggies, colorful fruits, and fish, chicken and whole grains as well as tofu and Tempe. You can take control of your health at any level you choose.