Showing posts with label Health2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health2022. Show all posts

Monday 28 February 2022

10 Diet Tips for Healthy Living

10 Diet Tips for Healthy Living

Hi All,

Thanks for your continued support and encouragement for HealthCampIndia blog. Our Blog has hit million views in last few days, this type of encouragement really motivates me and my team to share you valuable lessons learned as part of maintaining and keeping our health fit and healthy.

Before you give a serious read, a cartoon to make you smile, laugh out loud :-)

Laughter - HealthCampIndia

Below are few of the tips which we thought to share with you all. Hope this helps and motivate you as always.... Happy reading !!

  • Remember that your success on the diet program requires strict adherence to the diet protocol

  • Drink lots of water (tea and coffee are also permitted).  You should drink at least 2 liters per day.

  • All meat must be either grilled or boiled.  NO fats or oils are permitted in food preparation.  A George Foreman (or similar) grill works great for preparation of selected meat
  • A small kitchen scale is helpful to weigh your meat before preparation.  Remember, 100 grams should be the weight BEFORE cooking.
  • Some dieters experience constipation.  Smooth move tea is the perfect remedy and is permitted in the diet.  This can be found at any health food store.
  • Take a good multivitamin daily during the diet.  Also, take a good B-vitamin (B-6 and B-12) daily.  Avoid any vitamins that are not fat soluble, i.e., fish oils, vitamin A or vitamin E.
  • Do NOT use oils, lotions, or lubricants.  Also avoid all oil-based cosmetics.  These items are absorbed into the skin and will interfere with weight loss.
  • Stay away from sugar and starch.  Read all food labels and avoid all items containing sugars and starches.
  • No chewing gum or mints.

Other Helpful Items

Grocery List

  • Lean Roast
  • Lean Steak
  • White Fish
  • Shrimp
  • Lobster
  • Crab
  • Chicken Breast
  • Chicken Tenders

  • Jennie-O turkey Burgers
  • Salsa (no sugar added)
  • Melba Toast
  • Apples
  • Strawberries
  • Grapefruit
  • Oranges

  • Green Salad
  • Tomatoes
  • Onions
  • Cucumbers
  • Asparagus
  • Celery
  • Spinach

Health Food Store

  • Sea Salt
  • Liquid Aminos
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Liquid Stevia Sweetener (variety of flavors)
  • Multivitamins
  • Vitamin B Supplement
  • Green Tea
  • Smooth Move Tea
  • Alba oil free lotion
Do let me know your thoughts and comments below !! Until then, stay fit and healthy :-)

Thursday 27 January 2022

Nosebleed Causes and Treatments

Nosebleed Causes and Treatments

More than half of all adults have experienced a nosebleed, and it is usually not due to a fisticuff involving the nose. The medical term for a bleeding nose is 
epistaxis and refers to a symptom that is not dangerous in most cases. However, nosebleeds can be life-threatening and difficult to control in some circumstances, and it always depends on the cause of the bleeding. Dangerous bleeding most often originates from the back of the nose.

Localisation is important

Generally, a distinction is made between nosebleeds due to local causes and nosebleeds as a symptom of a general disease, where the bleeding is caused by a blood vessel in the nasal mucosa bursting. In 80 percent of cases, the front part of the nose is affected, in which there is a network of vessels under the mucous membrane. This is exposed to heavy strain, and the thin veins can easily be injured by blowing hard or by a probing finger.

Fractures and trauma can cause nosebleeds

Trauma such as a fracture of the base of the skull, a fracture of the nasal bones or the nasal septum also causes nosebleeds in many cases. Furthermore, acute infectious diseases, vascular and circulatory diseases, nasal and sinus tumours, certain blood diseases or a vitamin deficiency are also capable of causing nosebleeds.

Arterial bleeding is dangerous

When it bleeds from the nose, the blood is dark red in most cases, but it can also be bright red spurting. In such a case, it is an arterial haemorrhage, which can be dangerous because of the heavy loss of blood. Unconscious people with nosebleeds are in danger of inhaling the blood and choking. Swallowing one's own blood during a nosebleed is not dangerous, but often leads to vomiting.

First measures should bring rapid relief

Initial measures for nosebleeds should be for the seated patient to bend the head forward to allow the blood to flow out of the nose. If the head is bent backwards and the blood is swallowed, no statement can be made about the extent of the bleeding. In many cases, just cooling the neck will bring about improvement. If the nostrils are also compressed for a few minutes, uncomplicated bleeding from the front sections of the nose usually stops quite quickly. Compressing the nostrils in this way does not help with arterial bleeding from the back of the nose; in these cases, the blood continues to leak through the mouth unabated. If the first measures do not lead to any improvement, if a high blood loss or threatening symptoms such as a clouding of the patient's consciousness occur, immediate treatment in hospital is necessary.

Wednesday 19 January 2022

Coconut Oil Pulling Weight Loss Advantage [100% Proven Method]

Coconut Oil Pulling Weight Loss Advantage

It may seem strange to put a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around as a means for losing weight. After all, are we not supposed to rather exercise and eat less calories to lose weight? Well, the answer to that is yes but there are some recent studies that show that weight loss can happen when using a coconut oil pulling weight loss technique.

In fact, there are many other benefits that you will receive when utilizing a coconut oil pulling weight loss routine. Some of those advantages go all the way back to the Ayurveda Indians. This civilization utilized this ancient practice to strengthen their teeth and prevent bleeding gums and tooth decay.

Coconut oil pulling is also said to benefit your body by detoxifying it. Some say that it has the potential of treating more than 30 known diseases. Some skeptics of losing weight using coconut oil pulling will say that it is simply a matter of not wanting to dirty up your sparkling clean mouth with a high calorie snack. They will claim that the only way to lose those unwanted pounds is by vigorous exercise and a healthy diet. Whether what they say is true or not it is interesting to know how this process is done.

The coconut oil pulling process requires you to take a tablespoon of coconut oil and put it into your mouth and then swish it around for approximately 10 to 20 minutes. This process should be repeated three or four times each week. It is preferable to do this on an empty stomach and most importantly, do not swallow the oil. The oil contains toxins that have been pulled from between your teeth and around your gums.

Coconut Oil Pulling Weight Loss Advantage

The proponents of coconut oil pulling claim that it also reduces total body inflammation. It therefore will have benefits for various internal organs such as the kidney, liver, and heart. They claim that coconut oil pulling will reduce bloating and fluid retention. This alone should contribute to losing a few of those unwanted pounds.

There has been no recent substantial research into whether coconut oil pulling actually reduces total body inflammation which can lead to weight loss. However, sometimes we are our own best doctor and we should see whether it can reduce bloating and fluid retention or not. A note of caution however is that anyone who has sensitive teeth, recessed gums, or mouth ulcers should check with their family dentist before beginning a coconut oil pulling weekly routine

Coconut oil is known to contain medium chain triglycerides. These triglycerides can help to diminish your appetite which means that you will eat fewer calories. When we eat fewer calories we lose weight. There were some interesting results from a study in a nutritional magazine. The study claimed that if you supplement your reduced calorie diet with coconut oil pulling, it helped to reduce belly fat in women.

Whether you decide to use coconut oil pulling as part of your weight loss program will be up to you but even if it does not help you to lose weight it has been proven to have other beneficial health advantages.

Tuesday 18 January 2022

Guide to remove soft contact lenses safely

Guide to remove soft contact lenses safely

How to Remove Contact Lenses Safely. The latter is difficult than the former one which raises risk of damaging the eyes. 

In the following article, there are precautionary measures given on how to remove contact lenses safely.

Steps to Remove Contact Lenses Safely

Here are steps that will hopefully help you to remove contacts skillfully.

  1. Prior touching your contacts, make sure you wash your hands using a disinfectant solution. Dirty hands may raise risk of causing eye infections.
  2. Now that your fingers are clean, open your eyes widely so that the eyeball area is visible.

    3.    Fill the contact lens case with disinfectant solution beforehand.

   4.    Now use the index finger of the recessive hand to pull the upper eyelid and then use middle finger of dominant hand to pull the lower eyelid. 

   5.     Look up and using the index finger of dominant hand, slowly pull down the contact lens and take out the lens.

    6. Rinse the contact lens before putting it in the appropriate case.

   7.     Repeat the same with another lens. Give rest to your eyes for sometime after removing the contacts.

Precautions While Removing Contact Lenses:

  • Be careful and always handle the lens gently while removing it out.
  • Avoid growing long fingernails as these can tear the lens while removing out.
  • Never use the normal tap water for rinsing the lens.
  • After removing the lens form the eyes, out them in a new solution.
  • Remove your face makeup only after removing the contact lens.

Following these steps and precaution to remove contact lenses may seem tiring during initial days. 

However, once you get used, it seems to be very simple and easy. Hope this article may find helpful to you.

Sunday 16 January 2022

Top 5 Simple Tips for Overcoming Bulging Eye


HealthCampIndia Blogspot Com

Bulging eye is a common problem which occurs due to Grave’s disease of eye. But, don’t you worry, there are a few ways to overcome bulging eye problem. These solutions are:

Cold compress:

Application of cold compress on the eyes gives great relief. This compress adds extra moisture and gives a soothing effect to the eyes.

Eye drops:

There are quite a few eye drops (artificial tears) which help in lubrication of the eyes. This helps the patient to overcome the scratchy and dry feeling they experience while suffering from this disease. Paraffin-based gels, which are available in most pharmacies, can be used at night. This provides longer relief than it being used during the daytime.

Change in sleeping position:

While sleeping you should elevate your head and sleep. This position helps in reducing the amount of fluid inside the head which automatically reduces the pressure inside the eye. This relieves the pain and discomfort.

Protection of eyes from harmful sun rays:

Protection from sun rays is very essential for people suffering from Grave’s eye disease. This is due to the fact that eyes are vulnerable to the harmful sun rays and even more sensitive to direct sun light. Hence, consider buying sunglasses which cover your eyes from all sides.

Consult eye specialists:

According to the US Library of Medicine, any kind of fever, loss of consciousness, irregular heart beat etc should be immediately brought under medical attention.

These are the symptoms of bulging eye disease. Even if there’s no reduction in swelling or the symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. Following these five simple steps can help you overcome your problem easily. But, do remember only if it’s during the initial stages of the condition.

Bulging eyes are a cause for concern and can mar your good looks. To learn more about this condition, please read our blog for further articles

What is Microvascular Cranial Nerve Palsy Symptoms (MCNP)

In today's post let us understand, what is Cranial Nerve Palsy Symptoms and how it is diagnosed?

HealthCampIndia-Microvascular Cranial Nerve Palsy Symptoms

                                                                                    pic source:

Cranial nerve palsy
 is a condition which involves one, two or more cranial nerves. Paralysis of a muscle generally leads to this problem. Cranial nerve palsies are quite easy to determine, as they involve the face muscle. Due to palsy, the face of the person also changes. A person affected with this, may find it troublesome to smile, control movements of the eye and other facial expressions.

From the brain, twelve pairs of cranial nerves are distributed to different areas of the face. These nerves run through holes present in the skull which are known as foramens. The cranial nerves controls the facial muscles, It is because of these facial muscles, people make various eye movements etc. A patient with cranial palsy, loses control over one or more muscles thus, leading to paralysis, drooping, or erratic uncontrolled movements

Cranial Nerve Palsy Symptoms
                                                                                        pic source:

Causes of Cranial Nerve Palsy

There are many reasons for a person to cranial nerve palsy. Few of them are listed below.

a) Head or facial trauma is one of the cause, as this directly damages a nerve.

b) During a surgery, due to negligence, the cranial nerves can get damaged leading to cranial nerve palsy.

c) Some conditions for example, multiple sclerosis is also one of the causes of cranial nerve palsy as it damages the nerves. Other conditions are meningitis, diabetes, high BP etc.

Additionally, Following are the points causing defects in vision:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Working continuously for longer periods on system.
  • Hormones.
  • Excess stress may contribute to seborrheic belpharitis.
  • Inadequate sitting positions while watching television.
  • Bad settings of lights in the study room.

Treatment of Cranial Nerve Palsy

The treatment for Cranial nerve palsy relies on finding out the cause and approaching it. In a few cases, it is not possible to reverse the condition because of nerve damage. In a few other cases, the patient may regain muscle control. Seeking the help of a physical therapist helps the patient in gaining muscle control and developing coping skills. It is important to visit a neurologist very often to see the progression of the condition.

1) When there is a change in facial movements or expressions, consult a neurologist immediately.

2) Examinations are conducted to find out the damaged cranial nerve or nerves.

3) Make sure you provide the patients complete history, as even the smallest information is very important for the diagnosis.

Guidelines for home quarantine in India

Government of India 

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare 

Directorate General of Health Services 

(EMR Division) 

Guidelines for home quarantine 


Detection of a travel related/unrelated suspect case of novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID19) will be followed by rapid isolation of such cases in designated health facilities and line listing of all contacts of such cases.Home quarantine is applicable to all such contacts of a suspect or confirmed case of COVID-19. 

This intervention will be limited to the initial phase of India reporting only (i) travel related cases and (ii) focal clusters arising from a travel related/unrelated case where cluster containment strategy is adopted (iii) Persons coming from COVID-19 affected areas where local and community transmission is evident. 

HealthCampIndia Home Quarantine Rules
                                                                   Source: Business Standard

Definition of contact 

A contact is defined as a healthy person that has been in such association with aninfected person or a contaminated environment as to have exposed and is therefore at a higher risk of developing disease.

A contact in the context of COVID-19 is: 

• A person living in the same household as a COVID-19 case; 

• A person having had direct physical contact with a COVID-19 case or his/her infectious secretions without recommended personal protective equipment (PPE) or with a possible breach of PPE 

• A person who was in a closed environment or had face to face contact with a COVID-19 case at a distance of within1metre including air travel; 

The epidemiological link may have occurred within a 14‐day period before the onset of illness in the case under consideration. 

Instructions for contacts being home quarantined 

The home quarantined person should: 

Stay in a well-ventilated single-room preferably with an attached/separate toilet. If another family member needs to stay in the same room, it’s advisable to maintain a distance of at least 1 meter between the two. 

    • Needs to stay away from elderly people, pregnant women, children and persons with co-morbidities within the household.  

    • Restrict his/her movement within the house. 

    • Under no circumstances attend any social/religious gathering e.g. wedding, condolences, etc. 


He should also follow the under mentioned public health measures at all times: 

    • Wash hand as often thoroughly with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand sanitizer 

    • Avoid sharing household items e.g. dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, bedding, or other items with other people at home. 

    • Wear a surgical mask at all the time. The mask should be changed every 6-8 hours and disposedoff. Disposable masks are never to be reused. 

    • Masks used by patients / care givers/ close contacts during home care should be disinfected using ordinary bleach solution (5%) or sodium hypochlorite solution (1%) and then disposed of either by burning or deep burial. 

    • Used mask should be considered as potentially infected. 

    • If symptoms appear (cough/fever/difficulty in breathing), he/she should immediately inform the nearest health centre or call 011-23978046. 

Guidelines for home quarantine in India
Source: Indian Express

Instructions for the family members of persons being home quarantined 

    • Only an assigned family member should be tasked with taking care of the such person • Avoid shaking the soiled linen or direct contact with skin 

    • Use disposable gloves when cleaning the surfaces or handling soiled linen 

    • Wash hands after removing gloves 

    • Visitors should not be allowed 

    • In case the person being quarantined becomes symptomatic, all his close contacts will be home quarantined (for 14 days) and followed up for an additional 14days or till the report of such case turns out negative on lab testing 

Environmental sanitation 

a) Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in the quarantined person’s room (e.g. bed frames, tables etc.) daily with 1%Sodium Hypochlorite Solution. 

b) Clean and disinfect toilet surfaces daily with regular household bleach solution/phenolic disinfectants 

c) Clean the clothes and other linen used by the person separately using common household detergent and dry. 

Duration of home quarantine 

a) The home quarantine period is for 14 days from contact with a confirmed case or earlier if a suspect case (of whom the index person is a contact) turns out negative on laboratory testing

Monday 3 January 2022

Importance of Yoga in Improving our Circulatory System

Importance of Yoga in Improving our Circulatory System

In todays post let us understand What is the Importance of Yoga in Improving our Circulatory System ?

To begin with let’s first understand the function of this system. Everyone is aware of the importance of the circulatory system and role played by it in our life. It is also known as the cardio vascular system and it comprises of the heart and the blood vessels. 

Heart pumps the blood which is carried to the different parts of our body by the blood vessels. The circulatory system comprises of two parts the blood system and the lymphatic system. 

The lymphatic system ensures that all the waste from the circulatory system is removed.

The blood system is helped by the heart which pumps the blood but the lymphatic system doesn’t have any organ which will help in flushing out the waste, the entire onus lies on the muscles which fulfils its task by the contraction and expansion

Importance of Yoga in Improving our Circulatory System

This is where yoga comes into play. The nutrients and oxygen are also transported to the different organs via the blood. Heart comprises of four chambers, the two auricles and two ventricles. Each of this auricle and ventricle has different roles to perform.

The right auricle collects the de-oxygenated blood and pumps it to the right ventricle which sent it to the lungs so that it becomes mixed with oxygen and gets oxygenated; from there it is brought back to the left auricle and pumped into the left ventricle and from there the arteries carry it to different parts of the body.

These arteries are thick walled and the main artery is referred to as aorta. The arteries branch into sub arteries which divide into thin walled capillaries.

The capillaries are the one which supply the oxy gen and nutrients to all the organs and in turn collect all the toxic waste from these organs and they are carried back to the heart through veins and the entire process is repeated.

Importance of Yoga in Improving our Circulatory System

When the blood is carried by the veins there is a fear of blood flowing back because of less pressure, hence the veins are provided with valves. Yoga is an ancient form of exercise which ensures our overall well being. Itb looks into our mental as well as our physical development. 

It comprises of breathing exercises accompanied by various postures which not only helps the heart to pump effectively but also it helps in strengthening the muscles. These exercises have been existing from time immemorial and it has stood the test of time. 

Over the years it has evolved according to the requirement of that particular generation. In yoga there are many postures and position which will enable you to make your muscles stronger so that it can function very efficiently in removing the waste from the blood, thus making sure that your body is healthy.

Importance of Yoga in Improving our Circulatory System

This in turn augments your immune system ensuring that you are able to with stand all the infections raiding your body. 

Yoga is a sure short way to healthy living; it improves your circulatory system by ensuring that the heart pumps the blood to all parts of the body efficiently and the muscles expand and contract effectively so as to enable the removal of all waste from the blood.

The breathing exercises also ensure that the intake of oxygen is very good and it is transported to all the organs which are able to function very efficiently. 

That is the main reason why pre-natal yoga is suggested to the pregnant ladies so that they are able to reap all the benefits. Without doubt one can say yoga plays a very important role in our circulatory system.

Thanks for reading, do let me know your comments

Guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination of children between 15-18 years in India

COVID-19 Vaccinations
                                                                                  pic source: click here

Guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination of children between 15-18 years and precaution dose to HCWs, FLWs & 60+ population with comorbidities

India’s National COVID Vaccination Program is built on scientific and epidemiological evidence, WHO guidelines and global best practices. Anchored in systematic end-toend planning, it is implemented through effective and efficient participation of States/UTs and the people at large. 

Government of India’s commitment to the vaccination program has been unwavering and proactive from the beginning, from strengthening Research and Development capacity, to encouraging and enabling manufacturing and vaccinating each and every adult Indian safely, as fast as possible. 

As a consequence of reliance on scientific & epidemiological evidence and pro-active implementation, India’s COVID-19 vaccination programme has achieved historical milestone of administering more than 141 crore doses so far. 90% of the adult population of the country has been covered with at least one dose and 62% of the adult population has been covered with both the doses.

For the COVID vaccination program, Government of India initiated early and proactive steps as far back as April 2020: 

    • “Task Force for Focused Research on Corona Vaccine” (constituted in April 2020), to encourage domestic R&D of Drugs, Diagnostics and Vaccines, headed by Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India. 

    • “National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration for COVID-19” (NEGVAC), (constituted in August 2020), to formulate a comprehensive action plan for vaccine administration, co-chaired by Member (Health) NITI Aayog and Union Health Secretary.

    • “Empowered Group on Vaccine Administration for COVID-19” (constituted in January 2021), to facilitate optimal utilization of technology to make COVID vaccination all inclusive, transparent, simple and scalable, headed by CEO, National Health Authority. 

India’s COVID vaccination program incorporates recommendations of the foremost experts in the field of immunization, public health, disease control and information technology. Based on scientific and epidemiological evidence, the programme gives priority to strengthening the country’s healthcare system by protecting the professionals, health and frontline workers, manning it, as well as protecting the most vulnerable population groups. 

                                                                    pic source:

COVID-19 vaccination in the country commenced with vaccination to all Health Care Workers. The program was expanded with time to include vaccination of Front Line Workers, citizens more than 60 years of age, citizens more than 45 years of age, and eventually citizens more than 18 years of age. 

Under the National COVID Vaccination Program, from 16th January to 30th April 2021, 100% of vaccine doses were procured by Government of India and provided free of cost to State Governments. State Governments were in turn to administer vaccination free of cost to defined priority groups. 

To increase the pace of vaccination, participation of private hospitals was also enlisted where individuals could also choose to get vaccinated at a prescribed rate. In response to the suggestions of many State Governments to be permitted the flexibility to procure vaccine directly and administer them as per their own prioritization based on local requirements, Government of India revised the Guidelines. 

Under the revised Guidelines effective from 1st May, 2021, Government of India was procuring 50% of the vaccine produced and was continuing to provide them to States free of cost for administering to priority groups.

The State Government and private hospitals were also empowered to directly procure from the remaining 50% vaccine pool. Many States subsequently communicated that they were facing difficulties in managing the funding, procurement and logistics of vaccines, impacting the pace of the National COVID Vaccination Program.

It was also noted that smaller and remoter private hospitals also faced constraints. Keeping in view the aforesaid aspects, the experiences gained from 1st May 2021 and the repeated requests received from States, the Guidelines for National COVID Vaccination Program were reviewed and revised.

These Revised Guidelines became effective from 21st June 2021. Under the Revised Guidelines, Government of India procured 75% of the vaccines being produced by the manufacturers in the country and provided it free of cost to States/UTs as has been the case from the commencement of the National Vaccination Programme.

These doses were administered by the States/UTs free of cost to all citizens as per priority through Government Vaccination Centres. Vaccine doses provided free of cost by Government of India have been allocated to States/UTs based on criteria such as population, disease burden and the progress of vaccination.

Wastage of vaccine has affected the allocation negatively. 3 Government of India has also provided States/UTs advance information of vaccine doses to be supplied to them. States/UTs were expected similarly, to further allocate doses well in advance to districts and vaccination centers.

They were also expected to put in the public domain the information about the above availability at district and vaccination center level, and widely disseminate it among the local population, maximizing the visibility and convenience of citizens.

In order to incentivize production by vaccine manufacturers and encourage new vaccines, domestic vaccine manufacturers were given the option to also provide vaccines directly to private hospitals.

This was restricted to 25% of their monthly production. Later on, it emerged that the off take of private hospitals was much below the aforesaid 25%. Therefore, the Govt. of India procured more than 75% of vaccines being produced by the manufacturers in the country. These vaccines were provided free of cost to the States/UTs.

All citizens irrespective of their income status have all along been entitled to free vaccination. Those who have the ability to pay are encouraged to use private hospital’s vaccination centres. The CoWIN platform provides every citizen the facility of conveniently and safely prebooking vaccination appointments.

All government and private vaccination centers also provide onsite registration facility, available both for individuals as well as groups of individuals, for which detailed procedure have been finalized and published by States/UTs, in order to minimize any inconvenience to citizens. 

Keeping in view the recent global surge of COVID-19 cases, detection of Omicron variant which has been categorized as a Variant of Concern (VOC), scientific evidence, global practices and the inputs/suggestions of ‘COVID-19 Working Group of National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI)’ as well as of ‘Standing Technical Scientific Committee (STSC)’ of NTAGI it has now been decided to further refine the scientific prioritization & coverage of COVID-19 vaccination as follows: 

1. COVID-19 Vaccination of children in the age-group of 15-18 years to be started from 3rd January 2022. For such beneficiaries, vaccination option would be “Covaxin” only. 

2. As a matter of abundant precaution, for those Health Care Workers (HCWs) & Front Line Workers (FLWs) who have received two doses, another dose of COVID-19 vaccine would be provided from 10th January 2022. The prioritization and sequencing of this precaution dose would be based on the completion of 9 months i.e. 39 weeks from the date of administration of 2nd dose. 

3. All persons aged 60 years and above with comorbidities who have received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine, will on Doctor’s advice be provided with a 4 precaution dose from 10th January 2022. The prioritization and sequencing of this precaution dose would be based on the completion of 9 months i.e. 39 weeks from the date of administration of second dose. 

All citizens irrespective of their income status are entitled to free COVID-19 vaccination at Govt. Vaccination Centres. Those who have the ability to pay are encouraged to use Private Hospitals’ Vaccination Centres. 

Co-WIN features and provisions: 

1. HCWs, FLWs and Citizens 60+ with co-morbidities: a. All HCWs, FLWs and citizens aged 60 years or above with comorbidities will be able to access the vaccination for precaution dose through their existing Co-WIN account. b. Eligibility of such beneficiaries for the precaution dose will be based on the date of administration of 2nd dose as recorded in the Co-WIN system. c. Co-WIN system will send SMS to such beneficiaries for availing the precaution dose when the dose becomes due. d. Registration and appointment services can be accessed through both, the online and the onsite modes. e. The details of administration of the precaution dose will be suitably reflected in the vaccination certificates. 

2. New beneficiaries aged 15-18 years: 

    a. All those aged 15 years or more will be able to register on Co-WIN. In other worlds, all those whose birth year is 2007 or before, shall be eligible.

    b. Beneficiaries can self-register, online through an existing account on Co-WIN or can also register by creating a new account through a unique mobile number, this facility is available for all eligible citizens presently. 

    c. Such beneficiaries can also be registered onsite by the verifier/vaccinator in facilitated registration mode. 

    d. Appointments can be booked online or onsite (walk-in). 

    e. For such beneficiaries, option for vaccination would only be available for Covaxin as this is the only vaccine with EUL for the age-group 15-18. These Guidelines will come into effect from 3rd January 2022 & will be reviewed from time to time.

These Guidelines will come into effect from 3rd January 2022 & will be reviewed from time to time

Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI

COVID-19 Vaccine Your Guide to Booster Vaccination

COVID-19 Vaccine Your Guide to Booster Vaccination

What is Coronavirus or COVID-19 ?

COVID-19 is a very infectious respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and is more serious in older people and those with certain health conditions.

Why are you being offered a COVID-19 booster?

Like some other vaccines, levels of protection may begin to wane over time. The booster will help to reduce the risk of you needing admission to hospital due to COVID-19 infection this winter.

Protection against severe disease from the first 2 doses seems to decline very slowly. Boosting your immunity should help to extend your protection into next year and may give broader protection against new variants.

When should you have a booster?

The booster is being offered to those most vulnerable first, and will then be rolled down to younger age groups. Your appointment should at least 3 months from your last dose, but you may be called later based on your age group.

Common side effects

As with your previous dose the common side effects are the same for all COVID-19 vaccines used:

a) having a painful, heavy feeling and tenderness in the arm where you had your injection. This tends to be worst around 1 to 2 days after the vaccine

b) feeling tired

c) headache

d) general aches, or mild-flu like symptoms

Please note: If you had serious side effects after any previous dose you may be advised to avoid or delay further vaccination. You should discuss this with your doctor or specialist

Serious side effects

Worldwide, there have also been recent, very rare cases of inflammation of the heart called myocarditis or pericarditis reported after Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

These cases have been seen mostly in younger men within several days after vaccination. Most of the these people recovered and felt better following rest and simple treatments.

You should seek medical advice urgently if, after vaccination, you experience:

a) chest pain 

b) shortness of breath

c) feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart

Is there anyone who shouldn't have a booster?

There are very few people who should not have a booster. 

If you have had a severe reaction to a previous dose of the vaccine you should discuss this with your doctor

Can you still catch COVID-19 after having the vaccine?

The COVID-19 vaccination will reduce the chance of you suffering from COVID-19 disease.

It may take a few days for your body to build up some protection from the booster.

Like all medicines, no vaccine is completely effective - some people may still get COVID-19 despite having a vaccination, but this should be less severe.

If you have not had the first vaccinations

If you have not yet had either of your first 2 doses of the vaccine you should have them as soon as possible

I have a COVID-19 positive result, when can I have my booster?

You will still need the booster but you should wait at least four weeks from your COVID-19 infection

For more information please see here --