Showing posts with label Bulging Eye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bulging Eye. Show all posts

Sunday 16 January 2022

Top 5 Simple Tips for Overcoming Bulging Eye


HealthCampIndia Blogspot Com

Bulging eye is a common problem which occurs due to Grave’s disease of eye. But, don’t you worry, there are a few ways to overcome bulging eye problem. These solutions are:

Cold compress:

Application of cold compress on the eyes gives great relief. This compress adds extra moisture and gives a soothing effect to the eyes.

Eye drops:

There are quite a few eye drops (artificial tears) which help in lubrication of the eyes. This helps the patient to overcome the scratchy and dry feeling they experience while suffering from this disease. Paraffin-based gels, which are available in most pharmacies, can be used at night. This provides longer relief than it being used during the daytime.

Change in sleeping position:

While sleeping you should elevate your head and sleep. This position helps in reducing the amount of fluid inside the head which automatically reduces the pressure inside the eye. This relieves the pain and discomfort.

Protection of eyes from harmful sun rays:

Protection from sun rays is very essential for people suffering from Grave’s eye disease. This is due to the fact that eyes are vulnerable to the harmful sun rays and even more sensitive to direct sun light. Hence, consider buying sunglasses which cover your eyes from all sides.

Consult eye specialists:

According to the US Library of Medicine, any kind of fever, loss of consciousness, irregular heart beat etc should be immediately brought under medical attention.

These are the symptoms of bulging eye disease. Even if there’s no reduction in swelling or the symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. Following these five simple steps can help you overcome your problem easily. But, do remember only if it’s during the initial stages of the condition.

Bulging eyes are a cause for concern and can mar your good looks. To learn more about this condition, please read our blog for further articles