Sunday 1 September 2019

Benefits of Water Therapy

What is water therapy?

Water therapy or Hydrotherapy is an alternative way of treatment of several diseases using water. The theory behind it is that water has many properties that give it the ability to heal:

- Water can absorb, store and carry heat and energy.

- Water can dissolve other substances, such as minerals and salts.

- Water is free from side effects.

- Water is found various forms, such as ice, liquid, or steam and we can also change its temperature according to our needs.

- Water can help blood flow.

- Water also has a soothing, calming, and relaxing effect on people, whether in a bath, shower, spray, or compress.

What is water therapy used for?

Water therapy is used to treat many health related problems such as:

- Headaches.

- Acne.

- Depression.

- Back pain.

- Arthritis.

- Cold

- Stomach disorders.

- Insomnia.

- Joints, muscle and nerve problems.


- Chronic fatigue.

- Chronic pain.

- Aging.

- Colitis.

- Constipation.

- Cholesterol.

- Acute dehydration.

- Edema.

- Food Poisoning.

- Flu

- Heart burn

- Kidney stones.

- Migraines.

- Morning sickness.

- Nausea.

- Night terrors.

- Post partum depression.

- Quitting smoking.

- Seasonal affective disorder.

- Stress.

- Ulcers.

Also, water therapy is used for relaxation and to maintain health. You can also use water therapy to reduce or relieve sudden or long-lasting pain.

Is water therapy safe?

Water therapy is the safest way of treatment, if done properly.

But, it is better to discuss to with your doctor before trying water therapy as different people may respond differently to the length and intensity of treatment.

Some people may have headaches, aches and pains, sleep problems, nausea, chilliness, and faintness.

Always tell your doctor if you are using an alternative therapy or if you are thinking about combining an alternative therapy with your conventional medical treatment.

Saturday 3 August 2019

How to Prevent Bad Breath: Preventing Gum Disease

How to Prevent Bad Breath: Preventing Gum Disease

If you want to know how to prevent bad breath, you need to look no further than your oral health. Keeping your mouth healthy is one of the keys to dealing with bad breath, as bad breath is almost always caused by a buildup of bacteria in your mouth. However, one of the primary causes of bad breath is gum disease, also known as periodontitis. If you find yourself with bad breath, it may be because you’ve allowed your gums to get infected. By preventing infections of your gums, you can nip bad breath in the bud.

How to Prevent Bad Breath: Understanding Gum Disease

Gum disease can be caused by many things, but the results are almost always the same. The disease can be caused by bacteria building up on food left in your mouth for too long, and you will find that it can be quite painful when your gums swell up. The gums become very inflamed, and it can actually spread to the bones around your teeth if it becomes more serious.
You will notice the first signs of gum disease when you see a plaque forming on your teeth, and this sticky, white substance will basically coat your teeth. You must take immediate steps to brush your teeth and floss, as that is how you will be able to get rid of the plaque before it worsens. If the plaque is left untreated, it will harden and turn into tartar – something that is much more difficult to get rid of. If you don’t take steps to treat the problem, it may turn into gingivitis. This gum disease may be mild, but it can worsen if it is left unchecked. For this reason, you should take care to deal with any problems at the first sign of development.

How to Prevent Bad Breath: Symptoms of Gum Disease

It will be very hard not to notice when you have gum disease, but you may think that it’s oral thrush, an infection in your mouth, or the result of a very bad cold. However, if you notice any of the symptoms listed below, it’s definitely gum disease:

  • Your gums are very red and very swollen
  • You find that your gums bleed when you brush or floss them
  • Your gums are receding, which means they’re moving away from your teeth
  • You have bad breath all the time, even after brushing, rinsing your mouth, and eating a  breath mint
  • The spaces between your teeth are widening, and your teeth feel lose in your mouth

If you notice any of these things, it’s time to get yourself to a dentist and get immediate help to deal with your gum disease.

How to Prevent Bad Breath: Treating and Preventing Gum Disease

If you want to ensure that your mouth stays healthy, it’s important that you know what you can do to both treat and prevent gum disease. Here are some of the more common remedies for gum disease:

Cranberry Juice – Cranberry juice is more than just a liquid that you can use as a mouthwash, but it’s an antiseptic – meaning it will help to prevent infections. Cranberry juice is used to treat many infections simply because it’s a very strong liquid, and it has properties that will help to kill bacteria and yeast. If you drink cranberry juice regularly, it will help to prevent the bacteria in your mouth from clinging to your teeth and causing the infection.

Vitamin D –Vitamin D has been proven to help improve your body’s defenses against gum disease, and taking this supplement can actually stop you from developing the problem in the first place. You can get a lot of Vitamin D from the sun, and just spending a few minutes in the sun every day can go a long way towards preventing gum disease.

Vitamin C – Vitamin C is the antioxidant that will give your immune system a kick, and you’ll find that it will help to prevent infections all over your body. Vitamin C deficiency is one of the primary causes of gum disease, so getting enough of this vital vitamin is very important. You can get lots of Vitamin C from citrus fruits, as well as from dark green vegetables. You may want to consider adding a vitamin C supplement to your diet, or start drinking a cup of sugar-free natural lemonade every day.

Tea Tree Oil – Tea tree oil is one of the most powerful antiseptic and cleansing agents on the planet, which is why it has to be watered down so much in order to be safe to use. You will find that using a tea tree oil gel on your gums will help to cure the problem, and you can deal with your gum infection naturally using this gel. It won’t work as quickly as the medications, but it will definitely help to stop your gums bleeding and deal with the gingivitis.

CQ10 – Coenzyme Q10 has become a topic of much debate in recent years, as it’s an antioxidant that has proven to be very effective for a number of things. One of them is dealing with infections. The enzyme is needed to repair the tissue in your gums, and using it in the form of a toothpaste can help to reduce the infection and swelling.

Reducing Stress – Surprisingly, stress has been linked to gum disease, so fighting your stress can help to fight your gum disease. Stress causes higher chances that your gums will bleed and plaque will form, so it’s always a good idea to reduce your stress.

It’s amazing how dealing with your gum disease will cure your bad breath problems very easily, so it’s time to break out those natural cures for gum disease! You will find that your gum disease can be treated easily, and your breath will smell so much better once you’ve gotten rid of the problem. If you want to know how to prevent bad breath, prevent gum disease first!

Sunday 28 July 2019

First Aid Manual Free Apollo Hospitals

Hey!! Healthy Citizens !!!

Here is the First Aid manual from Apollo Hospitals. Please give a read, and also share with your family , friends, neighbors. Its quite useful and very informative

Hope you enjoy learning new stuff !!


Tuesday 25 June 2019

Understanding The Binge Eating Disorder

Understanding The Binge Eating Disorder

inge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder, affecting about 3 percent of all adults in the United States alone.

Most of us overeat from time to time, and some of us often feel we have eaten more than we should have. Eating a lot of food does not necessarily mean that you have binge eating disorder. 

Experts generally agree that most people with serious binge eating problems often eat an unusually large amount of food and feel their eating is out of control.

What causes binge eating disorder?

No one knows for sure what causes binge eating disorder. Some research suggests that genes may be involved in binge eating, since the disorder often occurs in several members of the same family.

As many as half of all people with binge eating disorder are depressed or have been depressed in the past. Whether depression causes binge eating disorder, or whether binge eating disorder causes depression, is not known. 

It is also unclear if dieting and binge eating are related, although some people binge eat after dieting.

In these cases, dieting means skipping meals, not eating enough food each day, or avoiding certain kinds of food. These are unhealthy ways to try to change your body shape and weight. Sometimes, binge eating also occurs in another eating disorder called bulimia nervosa.

Who is at risk?

Age: It is seen more often in adults age 46 to 55.

Gender: Binge eating disorder is a little more common in women than in men; three women for every two men have it.

Obesity / overweight: Although most obese people do not have binge eating disorder, people with this problem are usually overweight or obese. However, normal weight people can also have the disorder.

How would you know if you have binge eating disorder?

If you have binge eating disorder, you may:

  1. Eat much more quickly than usual during binge episodes
  2. Eat until they are uncomfortably full
  3. Eat large amounts of food even when they are not really hungry
  4. Eat alone because they are embarrassed about the amount of food they eat
  5. Feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty after overeating

Studies suggest that people with binge eating disorder may have trouble handling some of their emotions. 

Many people who are binge eaters say that being angry, sad, bored, worried, or stressed can cause them to binge eat. 

Certain behaviors and emotional problems are more common in people with binge eating disorder. 

These include abusing alcohol, acting quickly without thinking (impulsive behavior), not feeling in charge of themselves, not feeling apart of their communities, and not noticing and talking about their feelings.

What binge eating disorder could lead to?

People with binge eating disorder report more health problems, stress, trouble sleeping, and suicidal thoughts than do people without an eating disorder.

Other complications from binge eating disorder could include joint pain, digestive problems, headache, muscle pain, and menstrual problems.

People with binge eating disorder often feel bad about themselves and may miss work, school, or social activities to binge eat.

Also, people with binge eating disorder may gain weight. Weight gain can lead to obesity, and obesity puts people at risk for many health problems, including:

  • Type2diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood cholesterol levels
  • Gall bladder disease
  • Heart disease
  • Certain types of cancer

You have binge eating disorder, should you lose weight?

Many people with binge eating disorder are obese and have health problems because of their weight. 

They should try to lose weight and keep it off; however, research shows that long term weight loss is more likely when a person has long-term control over his or her binge eating. 

Therefore, people with binge eating disorder who are obese may benefit from a weight-loss program that also offers treatment for eating disorders.

However, people who are not over weight should avoid trying to lose weight because it may make their binge eating worse.

Saturday 27 April 2019

Treatment for Astigmatism

 Treatment for Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a form of impaired eyesight and is common in people who are nearsighted and this is also a kind of defect in the optical system of an eye in which the light rays from a single point fail to converge at a common focal point. Here with eye astigmatism, the cornea will change itself to an elliptical shape rather being in spherical shape, resulting inconsistency in visibility. The causes of astigmatism can be by birth, because of eye injuries, surgeries etc and the association will finally lead to more thinning of the cornea.Identification, causes and the symptoms
Astigmatism symptoms will mainly include blurred vision, where in the eye sight may be clear from one end and unclear / blurred from the other end as well. The main causes of astigmatism will lead to severe headache, strain in the eyes, and poor vision from all the distances.

Eye astigmatism can be sometimes hereditary wherein the baby born might have an odd shape cornea resulting in all sort of visual disturbances and inconvenience as well. The only other un-hereditary causes of astigmatism can be because of psychologically painful eye diseases and other eye injuries.
So, it can be said as eye astigmatism can be common among some individuals that can also be permanent throughout their life. Closing your eyes or having half closed eyes in order to see better [squinting], feeling uncomfortable while opening and closing eyes can also be one of the astigmatism symptoms. The above described symptoms might not definitely lead to astigmatism, but is always good to be proactive and consult the eye doctor if you face any kind of these symptoms. The treatment for astigmatism is pretty simple and can be done in many ways pertaining to the different astigmatism symptoms.Root cause analysis and cureThe treatment for astigmatism after a detailed analysis is found to be in the form of spectacles and other contact lenses. This kind of treatment is only needed when the level of astigmatism leads to severe headache and eyestrain.

Toric lenses are said to be the perfect lenses in order to overcome astigmatism as they are supposed to have great light bending power. This defect can be increasing but, regular check ups with your eye doctor and following the advice and instructions can gradually cure astigmatism. But the only thing is, you need to adapt and get adjusted in wearing the glasses or contact lenses when the sensation is a bit critical. There can be two options with regards to treatment for astigmatism. One is surgical and other is non-surgical. Also with the prescription given by your eye doctor, it is easy to find out whether you developed astigmatism or not. Normally the prescription contains only two parts if there is no astigmatism developed. But, if it has three parts then it is confirmed that your optometrist has determined that you have developed astigmatism. So as discussed, curing astigmatism without surgery can be with the help of glasses and contact lenses.

Also, there are special contact lenses that are specially designed to cure severe astigmatism and they are called Rigid Gas Permeable lenses [RGP]. These are especially designed for better prevention of astigmatism and these lenses are durable, soft and inexpensive as well.
Colorful way of curing astigmatismThere is a special and colorful way that is invented in order to cure astigmatism and that is with the help of colored contact lenses. Color contacts for astigmatism are specially designed and look trendy and beautiful as well.

This can be said as an enhancement to those regular contact lenses used widely by everybody. There are custom color contacts for astigmatism and soft color contacts for astigmatism are some of the popular designs that are available in the market.

Pink Eye Remedies

Pink Eye Remedies

Pink eye as it is commonly called as conjunctivitis, is due to acute inflammation of the eyes. Pink eyes is commonly cause by a viral infection, bacterial infection or due to dryness or irritation of the eyes. Pink eye can be alarming as it makes the eyes extremely red and spread rapidly.

A pink eye along with itching, stinging, irritation, pain, grittiness, are all symptoms of pink eye that provide clues about the type of conjunctivitis one could have.
The allergic type occurs more frequently among those with allergic conditions.

Allergic conjunctivitis often occurs due to the intolerance to substances such as drug, cosmetics, perfume etc.

So, there are not only cures for pink eye in terms of pink eye treatment, but also have some home remedies for pink eye infections and these are considered to be some of the best pink eye remedies.
Identifying Pink Eyes before it gets worseSome symptoms of pink eye include sever eye pain, swelling, redness in the eye and colour changing to yellow or greenish. If you have questions like how do I get rid of pink eye or what to do for pink eye infections? Well, few steps could be followed to avoid spreading of such infections.

They are avoiding swimming, as few bacteria spread through water, avoid touching the face, do not share towels or washcloths, do not reuse handkerchiefs as the best way is to use tissue and also avoid shaking hands. Implementing these, we can easily find the cures for pink eye and also can identify some good pink eye remedies as well.
It can affect all, but there are remedies always!Are you building or buying a new house? Furnish it up with the fabulous interior design! Interior design is the new enhanced style of art Sometimes, infections in newborn infants are due to common pathogens such as strep or staph. A mother who is infected with a sexually transmitted disease, such as gonorrhea or Chlamydia, also can pass along this infection to the baby - which can show up as pink eye.

This is why newly born infants must be evaluated for gonococcal and Chlamydia conjunctivitis as well as other forms, so antibiotic pink eye treatment can begin immediately, before any eye damage occurs. As a precaution, most newborn infant eyes are treated with silver nitrate and/or antibiotic ointments, to make sure any possible infections are stopped before they can cause damage. However, this preventive pink eye treatment does not work for Chlamydia conjunctivitis, which must be treated with antibiotics after a diagnosis.
Remedy for every problem - the most effective ones!There are some wonderful home remedies for pink eye which are also in turn changed as cures for pink eye as well. Heat is good in treating pink eye because many of the specimens causing it don't like heat. Of course, don't burn your eye, but try making them as hot as can be tolerated.

Good nutrition also a best home remedy. Good foods to eat include leafy green vegetables, and any that are rich in the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. The latter includes tomato juice. But raw fruit and vegetables that have a high antioxidant and vitamin C content are recommended and are some of the available home remedies for pink eye. An old Chinese home remedy for pink eye is to mix some boric acid powder with some warm water, then wash the corner of the eyes and the eyelids with a cotton ball soaked in the mixture. Home remedies for pink eye should be used with sensitivity and if the conjunctivitis is not clearing up after 4 days, or there is pain or blurring of vision, before implementing or thinking of a pink eye treatment and post any symptoms of pink eye, you should go to a doctor straight away.

Following these instructions and guidelines can definitely answer your questions of how do I get rid of pink eye and what to do for pink eye treatment.

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Benefits of eating dates (date fruit benefits)

Benefits of eating dates (date fruit benefits)

The month of Ramadan, which Muslims celebrate with the utmost devotion, has begun. In this order the strict fast practiced by the Muslims is of the utmost importance. ‘Dates’ are a must in the foods they consume on a daily basis when they retire from this initiation. Experts say that this fruit gives instant energy to the body and is very good for health.

* Potassium-rich dates help control heart rate and blood pressure. Also be careful not to get heart related problems.

* Dates are rich in essential minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. These are essential for perfect health.

* Dates are low in cholesterol and calories and high in protein. So they have a feeling of full stomach for a long time to eat .. Can control weight.

* Vitamin ‘A’ in the form of antioxidants in date fruits is very good for the eye. This fruit also helps to get rid of rheumatism and other eye problems.

* Calcium, Magnesium, Copper .. Minerals are high in this fruit. Calcium helps to keep bones and teeth strong. Copper helps in the production of red blood cells. Magnesium helps in bone health.

* Dates are not just for weight loss .. They are very thin and give good results for those who want to gain weight.

* Persimmon fruit gives instant energy to the body. That is why Muslims eat this fruit during Ramadan fasting initiations.

* Those who suffer from constipation should soak some dates in water overnight and eat them in the morning on an empty stomach and drink that water for better results.

* Dates contain B-complex as well as vitamin ‘K’. Niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, etc. accelerate the metabolism of the body.

Benefits of eating dates (date fruit benefits)

* Many people are afraid to eat dates as they can raise blood sugar levels. But research has shown that this is not the case, and that the natural sugars in them do not significantly increase blood sugar levels. 

But for those who suffer from diabetes, it is advisable to include these in the diet as advised by the doctor.

* Vitamin ‘B6’ in dates makes the brain active.

* Dates also play a role in boosting the body's immune system.

* To dissolve kidney stones, dates should be eaten frequently. Also, some people have problems with urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, etc. All of these are likely to be reduced by eating dates.