Wednesday 3 April 2019

Benefits of eating dates (date fruit benefits)

Benefits of eating dates (date fruit benefits)

The month of Ramadan, which Muslims celebrate with the utmost devotion, has begun. In this order the strict fast practiced by the Muslims is of the utmost importance. ‘Dates’ are a must in the foods they consume on a daily basis when they retire from this initiation. Experts say that this fruit gives instant energy to the body and is very good for health.

* Potassium-rich dates help control heart rate and blood pressure. Also be careful not to get heart related problems.

* Dates are rich in essential minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. These are essential for perfect health.

* Dates are low in cholesterol and calories and high in protein. So they have a feeling of full stomach for a long time to eat .. Can control weight.

* Vitamin ‘A’ in the form of antioxidants in date fruits is very good for the eye. This fruit also helps to get rid of rheumatism and other eye problems.

* Calcium, Magnesium, Copper .. Minerals are high in this fruit. Calcium helps to keep bones and teeth strong. Copper helps in the production of red blood cells. Magnesium helps in bone health.

* Dates are not just for weight loss .. They are very thin and give good results for those who want to gain weight.

* Persimmon fruit gives instant energy to the body. That is why Muslims eat this fruit during Ramadan fasting initiations.

* Those who suffer from constipation should soak some dates in water overnight and eat them in the morning on an empty stomach and drink that water for better results.

* Dates contain B-complex as well as vitamin ‘K’. Niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, etc. accelerate the metabolism of the body.

Benefits of eating dates (date fruit benefits)

* Many people are afraid to eat dates as they can raise blood sugar levels. But research has shown that this is not the case, and that the natural sugars in them do not significantly increase blood sugar levels. 

But for those who suffer from diabetes, it is advisable to include these in the diet as advised by the doctor.

* Vitamin ‘B6’ in dates makes the brain active.

* Dates also play a role in boosting the body's immune system.

* To dissolve kidney stones, dates should be eaten frequently. Also, some people have problems with urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, etc. All of these are likely to be reduced by eating dates.

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