Showing posts with label Feb2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feb2022. Show all posts

Monday 7 February 2022

Lung Cancer Symptoms, Causes, Types -

Lung Cancer Information-HealthCampIndia-Blogspot-com
What is Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the growth of malignant or abnormal cells in the lung. Lung cancer is the most frequent cause of cancer death across globe. Despite aggressive approaches to therapy and new lung cancer medication, survival rates have changed little in the last decade.

There are two major types of lung cancer. Depending on how cells look under a microscope, they are classified as either small cell lung cancer or non-small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer grow and spread in different ways.

The more common type of lung cancer is non-small cell lung cancer. This type of cancer grows and spreads slowly. Other names for non-small cell lung cancer are squamous cell carcinoma (also called epidermoid carcinoma), adenocarcinoma, and large cell carcinoma.

The less common type of lung cancer is small cell lung cancer. This cancer is also called oat cell cancer. Small cell cancer spreads quickly and is more likely to spread to other organs in the body.

What are the risk factors and causes of lung cancer?

There are several causes of lung cancer. Most of these causes relate to the use of tobacco. Smoking is the cause of lung cancer for about 85% of lung cancer cases in the United States. Cigarette smoking, cigar and pipe smoking, environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) or passive smoking, asbestos exposure, air pollution, other lung diseases, diet, and personal history are all risk factors for lung cancer.

Smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer. The chance that a smoker will develop lung cancer is affected by how young the smoker was when he started smoking, how long the person has smoked, and the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Smoking and lung cancer share a distinct relationship. The risk of lung cancer begins to decrease as soon as the smoker stops smoking.

Cigar and pipe smokers also have a high risk of lung cancer providing another link between smoking and lung cancer. Like cigarette smoking, the chance that the smoker will develop cancer depends on age of the smoker when he started smoking, the length of time the person has smoked, and the number of pipes or cigars smoked per day.

Lung Cancer Information-HealthCampIndia

ETS or passive smoke, the smoke in the air when someone else smokes, has been accepted as a cause of lung cancer since the Surgeon General's report of 1986.
Asbestos is a unique cause of lung cancer. Asbestos lung cancer is caused by asbestos fibers that float in the air and stick to clothes. Inhaling the fibers can cause the asbestos to become stuck inside the lungs, damaging cells and increasing the risk for lung cancer. The risk of developing lung cancer through occupational exposure to asbestos is 3 to 4 times greater than normal.

A 25 year period of research says, it is estimated, exposure to asbestos will result in an 76,000 deaths from asbestos lung cancer.

There is a link between air pollution and lung cancer. However, more research is needed to identify the causes. It is estimated that up to 12,000 cancer deaths are caused annually through occupational and everyday exposure to pollutants.

Tuberculosis and other lung diseases increase the chance of developing lung cancer. Lung cancer tends to develop in areas that are injured or scarred from lung diseases.

A large body of statistical evidence supports the role of diet in modifying risk for lung cancer. A diet rich in fruit and vegetables reduces the incidence of lung cancer by approximately 25%. Supplementation with vitamins A, C and E and beta-carotene offers no protection against the development of lung cancer.

On the contrary, beta-carotene supplementation has, in two major clinical trials, resulted in an increased death rate. Diet changes the incidence of lung cancer by only a minor degree.

An increased risk associated with the family history of lung and other cancers, independent of smoking habits, suggests the presence of genetic factors as a cause of lung cancer.

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What are the symptoms of lung cancer?

There is no single lung cancer symptom. A major sign of lung cancer is a nagging cough that won't go away.

According to the National Cancer Institute, common signs and symptoms of lung cancer include:

  • A cough that doesn't go away and gets worse over time
  • Constant chest pain
  • Coughing up blood
  • Shortness of breath, wheezing, or hoarseness
  • Repeated problems with pneumonia or bronchitis
  • Swelling of the neck and face
  • Loss of appetite or weight loss
  • Fatigue

How is lung cancer diagnosed or evaluated?

The diagnosis of lung cancer is made through the use of:
  • patient history of lung cancer symptoms
  • chest x-rays
  • thoracentesis (the use of a needle to remove a small sample of the fluid that surrounds the lungs to check for cancer cells)
  • CT scan of chest
  • biopsy of any suspicious lymph nodes
  • flexible bronchoscopy (obtaining lung specimens using a special bronchoscope),
  • transbronchial needle aspiration (a procedure performed using a special needle, which is passed through the a bronchoscope)
  • fine-needle aspiration biopsy
other biopsy techniques that are specific the to type and location of the lung cancer
Lung cancer stage is the grade given based on the extent of the disease. Staging is done to find out whether the cancer has spread and, if so, to what parts of the body.

The International Staging System is the most widely accepted staging system for non-small cell lung cancer. There are four stages in this system.

Stage one lung cancer: Lung cancer has not spread and is confined to one area.

Stage two lung cancer: Localized tumors for which surgical removal is the preferred treatment.

Stage three lung cancer: Divided into IIIA (tumors that can be removed) and IIIB (tumors that are not removable, but have not spread to other body regions).

Stage four lung cancer: Lung cancer has spread to other body regions. Stage 4 lung cancer can spread to the blood, lymph nodes, bones, and brain, among other body organs.

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How is lung cancer treated?

Lung cancer treatment depends on the type of cancer (non-small cell lung cancer or small cell lung cancer), stage, and patient preference.

Non-small cell lung cancer

Treatment for non-small cell lung cancer is surgery. The cure rate for all stages of non-small cell lung cancer is 12 percent. The five year survival rate for stage one lung cancer is 70%. The removal of the affected lung is possible if the patient is able to breathe adequately with the remaining lung.

Preoperative chemotherapy is given to patients with stage 3A disease, who are being considered for surgery. Cancer drug therapy prior to surgery can increase survival time.

If the non-small cell cancer can not be removed, radiotherapy can be used alone or in combination with chemotherapy. 

Current drugs of choice are paclitaxel plus either carboplatin or cisplatin; cisplatin plus vinorelbine; gemcitabine plus cisplatin; carboplatin or cisplatin plus docetaxel. 

The overall results are disappointing and none of the standard regimens for non-small cell lung carcinoma is clearly superior to the others.
Small cell lung cancer

Treatment of small cell lung cancer is limited. Small cell lung cancer is more virulent, does not respond well to surgery, and metastasizes (spreads) more quickly than non-small cell lung cancer.

If the disease is in an early stage (lung cancer stage one or two) chest radiotherapy and chemotherapy (cisplatin and etoposide) are given to the patient. Median survival time with therapy is 15.1 months.

If the disease is in the later stages (stage 3A, 3B or stage 4 lung cancer) standard treatments include combination chemotherapy (cisplatin or carboplatin plus etoposide), or combination of irinotecan and cisplatin. Prophylactic (preventative) cranial irradiation (radiotherapy to the brain) is administered to patients in complete remission to decrease the risk of the spread of the disease to the brain.


There are two types of cancer of the lung, non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung 
cancer. Small cell lung cancer is more virulent and spreads faster than non-small cell cancer. There is no single sign of lung cancer.

Symptoms of lung cancer include, a cough that doesn't go away, constant chest pain, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, hoarseness, repeated problems with pneumonia, swelling of the neck and face, loss of appetite, and fatigue. Diagnosis is made through imaging studies (x-rays) and biopsies.

Treatment depends on the type of lung cancer and includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery.

More information on lung cancer can be found by visiting the National Cancer Institute's lung cancer Web pages at

Hope you have good read about Lung Cancer & Its information . Let me know your thoughts/ ideas ......wishing you as always.....stay fit and healthy

Saturday 5 February 2022

Heartburn Self-Care Tips

Heartburn Self-Care Tips

Heartburn sufferers should take heart—relief from this troublesome condition is often achievable through lifestyle and dietary changes as well as medication. The National Heartburn Alliance offers the following tips for sufferers who yearn to stop the burn:

  • Limit foods and beverages that fan the flames
    Avoid foods and beverages that trigger symptoms and may irritate lining of the esophagus or affect the LES which controls the flow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus. These items include chocolate, peppermint, fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, citrus fruits and juices, garlic and raw onion, tomato sauce, vinegar, caffeinated and carbonated beverages.
  • Eat smaller dinners... and eat earlier
    Decrease the size of portions at mealtimes and eat meals at least 2-3 hours before lying down to lessen the likelihood of reflux.
  • Monitor your meds : Check with your health care professional to see if one of the medications you are taking might be triggering your heartburn. Aspirin and other pain medications (other than acetaminophen), some antibiotics and iron tablets are a few of the common culprits. Never stop taking any prescribed medication without consulting your health care professional.
  • Feel the burn without the burn:
    Certain types of exercise that increase abdominal pressure can aggravate heartburn symptoms, but don't give up this healthy habit. Talk to your trainer or fitness expert at the local gym about exercise substitutes and try not to eat just before, during or just after exercise.
Heartburn Self-Care Tips

  • Shed some pounds
     Extra pounds can increase heartburn incidence. Some heartburn sufferers find their symptoms improve by losing weight through a healthy weight-loss plan.

  • Stop or decrease smoking
            Cigarette smoking inhibits saliva, one of the body's natural protective barriers against damage to the esophagus. Smoking also may stimulate acid production and weaken the important valve that prevents stomach acid from entering the esophagus.

  • Fight acid creep while you sleep
                Elevate the head of your bed four to six inches using blocks to prevent acid from creeping up the esophagus. Also, try sleeping on your left side, which may decrease reflux symptoms. If nighttime heartburn occurs frequently, consider a proton pump inhibitor that acts for 24 hours

  • Loosen up
            Reduce abdominal pressure by not wearing tight belts or binding clothing.

  • Find the pharmacy
Try an over-the-counter medication and take as directed for heartburn. Ask your pharmacist to recommend a medication appropriate for your type of heartburn.

  • Relax
            Stress is not proven to cause acid reflux but it can make you more aware of your heartburn symptoms. Also, because of stress, one may engage in behaviors that trigger heartburn—eating high-fat foods, smoking, drinking caffeinated beverages.

Heartburn Self-Care Tips

  • Linger over lunch
        Slow down and eat less. Gulping down food in a hurry can result in eating more before you feel satisfied. Over-filling the stomach can result in reflux and heartburn.

  • Candy is dandy
        Sucking on hard candy encourages production of saliva, which acts as a natural barrier to acid. Just be sure to avoid mint candies, which can stimulate acid reflux.

  • Keep a reflux record
        Try to keep a diary noting when heartburn hits and the specific activities that seem to trigger the incidents. The diary can help you identify what you should avoid and may be a helpful tool for your health care professional to evaluate your condition and treatment needs.

  • Ask "what's up, doc?"
            If you are consistently taking medicine for heartburn or if you still have symptoms after taking medication, you should see a health care professional. You might have gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, which, if left untreated, may be potentially serious. If you have alarm symptoms consult your doctor immediately.

Friday 4 February 2022

How to cure Intestinal Gas

How to cure Intestinal Gas-HealthCampIndia

Many a time, intestinal gas is a cause for humour. But for the person who experiences gas in a public place, it is no longer a laughing matter. As many as 30 to 40 % of people experiences bloating and gas, which they attribute to gastric trouble. Most of the patients even refrain complaining about flatulence, excessive belching, increased intestinal gas and bloating to the physician, as they are embarrassed. Our intestines cannot digest everything we eat. The leftovers are passed on to the colon.

The processing or fermentation of leftover carbohydrates by the colonic bacteria leads to the formation of intestinal gas. While it may come into view that a few individuals pass too much gas in contrast to others, there may not be any disparity in the quantity of gas shaped in the complainers and the non­-complainers. It is just that some people are more responsive and feel it more than others do.

Several factors cause people to ingest air. For instance, if dentures do not fit well, the person tends to swallow more saliva that carries air bubbles with it. If the enduring has post-nasal free, then he tends to swallow more often, carrying more air to the stomach. Smoking a cigar or pipe may also add to the amount of saliva shaped and swallow, causal to surplus gas.

Several individuals have a habit of belching often. To do this, they gulp down air, which they then belch. Unluckily, the patient is by no means able to belch out all of the swallowed air, thus produce intestinal gas. Fast eating adds to the quantity of air that people swallow. Gum chewing and sucking on hard candies also add to the amount of air swallowed. Avoid effervescent drinks. Some gas is also shaped as the carbonated drink enters the mouth.

Though, the most ordinary source of intestinal gas is beans. Beans cause gas, as the body cannot digest the composite sugars they enclose. These starches pass into the intestine, where they convert into food to the bacteria nearby there. While they use the starch as food, gas is passed as a by-product. Similarly, milk is gas forming in adults. Incomplete digestion of milk can lead to gas, stomach cramps, bloating and diarrhea. Some drugs such as narcotics, calcium channel blockers slow the gut, and may lead to gas being attentive in the bowel, due to slow group.

In Ayurveda, flatulence is called as Aadhmaana. Treatment modalities comprise measures to encourage deepana (by carminatives), paachana (by digestives) and vaataanulomana (by gas expellers))

How to cure Intestinal Gas


  • Drink a cup of warm water with 2 drops of peppermint (pudina), cinnamon (daalchini) or ginger extract.

  • Dried ginger and ajwain in equivalent weights should be steep in double the quantity of limejuice, dried and crushed. Add a little black salt to the powder. Two grams should be taken with warm water as and when required. Tie 2 handfuls of bajra and a handful of crystal-salt in a bag, warm it over the hot plate and stir up the stomach.

  • If the victim is a child, you can be relevant a pad of yarn wool or cloth steeped in hot water, in which asafetida has been disbanded. Alternately, one part of turpentine oil and 2 parts of castor oil can be useful over the abdomen in tepid condition. Warmed castor leaves can also be wrapping over the stomach.

  • Prepare a complex powder by taking equal parts of fried asafoetida (heeng), black­ salt (souvarcha lavana), cardamom (elaichi), ginger (sonth) and Solanum­xanthocarpum (kantakaari). Take in doses of 3 to 5 grams.

  • Mixture of 2 parts of celery seeds (ajamoda) and-1 part of fennel seeds (saunf) and sugar, taken in doses of half to one teaspoonful, helps ease flatulence.

  • For kids, there is a ‘user gracious’ preparation to apply. Take fine powders of 5 parts of rutagraveolens (sadaab), 4 parts of celery seeds (ajamoda), 3 parts of mint (pudina), 1 part of saffron, 2 parts of black pepper, and 10 parts of honey. Keep in fresh bottle and use as and when requisite,” in a dose of one to half teaspoonful.

  • Don’t eradicate all the gas producing foods at once. In its place, avoid one food at a time.

  • Dentures should be fitted correctly.

  • If you’ve post-nasal discharge, then you should take action for the same.

  • Slow down when you eat, avoid gulp food and chew each bite methodically. Don’t talk while eating.

  • Avoid consumption through straws or narrow-mouthed bottles. Use a glass or cup in its place.

  • Don’t lie down right away after eating. Sit for a while.

  • Get rid of carbonated beverages from your diets. Keep in mind that beer also contains gas.

  • Cut down on fatty meats.

  • Work out regularly. Decrease undue mental stress. Yoga is a good option.

  • Don’t use synthetic drugs. Self-medication is dangerous.

  • Be watchful about ‘recycled’ restaurant tea, as it irritates the inner lining of intestines, thereby forming gas.


  • Beans
  • Nuts (especially groundnuts and cashew-nuts)

  • Pulses (black gram and Bengal gram)

  • Vegetables such as potato, cabbage, onions, garlic, cauliflower, radishes, cucumbers, peas

  • Prunes such as jujube fruit

  • Apples, grapes, bananas

  • Bran and whole grains

  • Dairy products and milk

  • Eggs

  • High fat foods

  • Fried foods

  • Fermented foods such as dosa, dietary fibre and salads

  • Fatty meats

  • Rich pastries It Uncooked chutneys

  • Rich sauces, gravies

  • Rich pastries It Uncooked chutneys

  • Rich sauces, gravies

Hope you got good understanding about the Intestinal Gas Causes, and how can be cured.

Do let me know your comments and suggestions....until then keep fit and stay healthy