Showing posts with label loose weight easily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label loose weight easily. Show all posts

Saturday 30 October 2021

Best weight-loss drinks at home

Best weight-loss drinks at home

or many of us, losing weight involves counting the calories we eat – not those we drink. But did you know that, on average, almost 20 percent of the calories we consume come from beverages? This can add up to thousands of extra calories per week – and put a serious crimp in your weight loss efforts.

If you’re serious about losing weight, you have to pay close attention to the beverages you consume. Beverages such as sugary sodas, fruit punches and cocktails are fine in moderation, but should be limited or avoided entirely when you’re trying to lose weight. Instead, focus on drinking the following beverages. Not only are they calorie free, but they have a number of important health benefits to help you look and feel your best.


It doesn’t get much better (or cheaper) than good ol’ H20. Studies have found water to be an effective weight loss aid because it helps encourage the stomach to feel full. For best results, drink two full glasses of water before mealtime. The water will make you feel fuller faster so that you’ll be less likely to overeat.

In addition to the weight loss benefits, drinking adequate amounts of water can help boost energy levels, reduce stress, prevent muscle cramping during exercise and improve your metabolism! For an extra metabolism boost, make sure the water you drink is ice cold; your body will have to work extra hard to warm it up.

Women should aim to drink about 9 8-ounce glasses of water each day. That number increases for men, who should aim for 13 glasses a day.

Green Tea

If you’re looking for a mild caffeine boost, green tea is a good option. Not only is it calorie free, but some studies have shown that it also stimulates weight loss! Drink two glasses of green tea a day – one in the morning and one in the afternoon or early evening—to reap the biggest weight loss benefits of green tea.

Green tea drinkers can also look forward to the disease-fighting properties of the tea, along with its ability to lower cholesterol and prevent type 2 Diabetes.


If you can’t get through a morning without your daily dose of caffeine, take heart. Coffee is a zero calorie beverage that, when consumed in moderation, will support your weight loss efforts. Just be careful not to overload it with sugar and cream, as this will add unnecessary fat and calories into your diet.

In addition to giving you a jolt of energy, coffee has been shown to reduce the symptoms of depression and reduce instances of cancer, type 2 Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and stroke. Moderation is key, however, as heavy coffee drinkers may experience irregular heartbeats, restlessness and anxiety.


An all-natural smoothie for breakfast or afternoon snack is a great way to satisfy your hunger, increase your daily intake of fruits and vegetables and increase your intake of fiber. One smoothie that is particularly good for you is a green smoothie, which utilizes fresh greens such as spinach, kale or chard. 

These greens are blended smoothly with water and fruits such as bananas, pineapples, mangos or peaches into a sweet, delicious beverage.

When making your smoothie, use soymilk, water or a mix of 100 percent fruit juice and water as the liquid base. This will reduce the calories and eliminate the fat found in most dairy products.

And while green tea, coffee and smoothies will all support a healthy weight loss diet, there is one clear winner on the list – water. To improve your health and weight loss efforts, challenge yourself to drink more water every day by getting into the habit of drinking two full glasses of water before meals, carrying around a water bottle or adding a splash of fruit juice to enhance the flavor.

What’s your secret to drinking more water?

Monday 30 August 2021

Can Omega 3 Help You Lose Weight?

Can Omega 3 Help You Lose Weight - HealthCampIndia blogspot

Carrying around excess weight is a burden for many people. It does horrible things for your health and can make you feel bad. Many people also believe that they are disgusting and unattractive. Luckily, there is a lot you can do to help yourself if you are suffering from too much weight, including taking omega three fish oil.

Common activities for helping yourself to lose weight include a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and low in fats and sugars.

While this may seem like common sense, the important thing to remember is to be consistent. Many people will eat healthy for a little bit, but then give up when they mess up a little. If you splurge now and then, it does not mean give up altogether. You just need to pull yourself together and move on.

Can Omega 3 Help You Lose Weight - HealthCampIndia blogspot

You should also be exercising regularly in such a way that you are getting your heart rate up. This may simply mean walking for you, or it could be running or another form of exercise. The point is that whatever you do, you should be engaging in physical activity three to five times a week for a period of twenty minutes, and be getting your heart rate up.

This way, you will be working to lose weight. Also, make sure that you are getting a decent amount of sleep. Many people need a full eight hours of sleep to function properly and perform well. You are likely no exception.

Now on to Omega three fish oils. You can use these to help you lose weight. The fatty acids, DHA, and EPA reduce triglyceride levels in the body. As a result, they can help with controlling bad cholesterol and obesity. The three fats have been shown by many studies to help with weight loss.

Balance your diet with nutritional supplements like fish oils with omega three to aid you in your weight loss goal. Do not try to use plant oils instead, as they are filled with saturated fat content so are not good for people who are trying to lose weight. They also lower blood pressure greatly if taken in too large an amount.

There it is diet, exercise, and taking omega three fish oil supplements will help you to shed those pounds and be a healthier, more attractive you!

Monday 27 April 2020

Efficient way for weight loss

Efficient way for weight loss- HealthCampIndia Blog

eight enables one to accomplish most of the natural tasks required to lead a full life. Yet, being overweight is a health risk to an extent that some professionals are full dedicated to offering solutions on how to lose weight. 

It is also not unusual to find obese persons reaching out to the tons of how to lose weight quick fix schemes. Some of them focus on strange crash diet programs while others emphasize on rigorous physical training regimes that sometime show positive short term results. 

But in the long term most of these how to lose weight plans become unsustainable because of changing personal needs.

Some other interesting solution of how to loss weight is herbal remedies and surgery. The last two options are however generally recommended as a last result. 

This is because they are not only costly but they can also cause some lasting negative impacts on ones general health. 

For instance, some supplements are known to induce some reactive actions that if not taken care of early enough may result in organ failure. 

In addition individuals who opt for liposuction or stomach reduction surgery as a solution to their weight lose problem risk having their lives prematurely ended when the procedure goes wrong.

One of the best ways of getting to the bottom of how to loss weight safely is adopting a healthy lifestyle and having patience to let the body regain natural weight. Adequate balanced diet and moderate exercise can go along way towards this goal.

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