Monday 15 August 2022

Benefits of Garlic - a divine herbal plant

Benefits of Garlic - a divine herbal plant- HealthCampIndia

Over the years, garlic is considered to be a well known herbal plant having ample benefits. Its medicinal and culinary advantages are proven. Garlic benefits have made it popular among housewives.

It gives a good flavor to the food and the plant is grown as an underground root or bulb. Also, garlic has many health phyto nutrients which are indeed beneficial for coronary heart diseases and also for infections, arthritis etc. Let us have a quick look over several garlic benefits.

The cloves of garlic have many notable minerals, anti-oxidants, minerals and also phyto nutrients. These nutrients are crucial as they have several health benefits. The garlic also have a number of sulphur compounds like diallyl disulfide, propyl disulfide and diallyl tri sulfide.

These sulphide compounds are important but are disrupted on crushing. Allicin contained garlic are known to reduce hardness of our blood vessels as it releases nitric oxide. Those who have high blood pressure are benefited to a great extent by garlic as it reduces the blood pressure rate.

It also obstructs the formation of blood clot and hence checks the possibility of coronary heart disease and heart stroke.

The patients of stomach cancer cannot overlook garlic benefits.

There are studies that have proved that regular usage of garlic can reduce the chances of having stomach cancer. Allicin contained in the garlic is an indispensable compound as it has a number of anti bacterial as well as anti-fungal properties.

Garlic benefits can be rightly called as health benefits as garlic is a very good source of minerals and vitamins.

The bulbs of garlic are indeed very good source of minerals and vitamins. It has plenty of minerals like magnesium, manganese, selenium and zinc. Selenium is crucial to our body as it is protects the health of the individuals containing garlic.

Garlic also has the benefit of having manganese which is an important co factor for the various antioxidant enzymes.

The mineral contains many flavonids along with the anti-oxidants. Iron of the garlic helps in the production of red blood cells. It contains beta carotene and Vitamin C which helps the body in fighting diseases and keep harmful radical at bay. 

Over the years, people have been using garlic for its superb culinary properties. This herbal plant has known to have high medicinal value as it is used to treat several human ailments.

The plant is also to cure several diseases like ulcers, tumors, wounds, snake bite, heart diseases, arthritis, cancer, pimples, tumors, measles and many more diseases.

It also prevents several other infections like common cold and also used in treating dog bites. It is also said to be a sure shot treatment for arthritis.

Some people like to name it a wonderful drug which is a potent treatment for several diseases. Not only this, garlic is known to cure common cold, acne, headaches. It has anti-viral properties and effective in removing blemishes of skin. It also cleanses the blood of your body.

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