Showing posts with label Blood Pressure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blood Pressure. Show all posts

Saturday 3 September 2022

Health tip of the week: Beetroot and watermelon lowers blood pressure

Health tip of the week: Beetroot and watermelon lowers blood pressure
Do you or someone you know have high blood pressure?? Tell  them  (or yourself) to have beetroot juice 

A study has found that the dietary nitrate within beetroot juice — and similarly in green, leafy vegetables — decreases blood pressure. 

The study found that in healthy volunteers blood pressure was reduced within just one hour of ingesting beetroot juice, with a peak drop occurring three to four hours after ingestion.

Some degree of reduction continued to be observed until up to 24 hours after ingestion.

Also recent studies has suggested that watermelon can also lower blood pressure.

Health tip of the week: Beetroot and watermelon lowers blood pressure

This is because watermelon is a rich natural source of L-citrulline, which is closely related to L-arginine, the amino acid which assists in the regulation of vascular tone and healthy blood pressure.

Of course the benefit is greatest when it is eaten in large quantities, however watermelon does have natural sugar so you don’t want to overdose on the sugar.

The best idea is to eat it regularly in reasonable sized portions, and discuss any significant diet changes with your doctor if you are on medication or have health issues.

Monday 15 August 2022

Garlic and Blood Pressure - do you know!?

Garlic and Blood Pressure - do you know!

What Is High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is a potentially dangerous problem suffered by many people, often without them being aware of it. It has been estimated that in the USA alone more than 50 million people suffer from high blood pressure.

High blood pressure is in essence hypertension – the blood is being pumped through the system unusually fast and powerfully. This constant exertion of greater than normal force can damage the arteries, possibly leading in turn to kidney failure, heart attack and/or stroke. If you suspect you may have high blood pressure then it is essential that you discuss any symptoms with your doctor.

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is usually divided by doctors into “essential hypertension” and “secondary hypertension”.

“Secondary hypertension” refers to the case where the high blood pressure is the result of some known factor such as kidney disease. “Essential hypertension” refers to the case where there is no obvious single cause of high blood pressure.

There are many factors that can contribute to essental high blood pressure, the most common of which are lifestyle related. Smoking and high levels of saturated fat intake can both contribute significantly to an elevated level of blood pressure.

If your doctor doesn’t identify a particular cause then he or she could well recommend diet and exercise as the best start. Losing some weight, lowering bad cholesterol levels and reducing salt intake can assist many people to lower their blood pressure levels. For others the preferred treatment will be medication.

Can Garlic Help?

Garlic is not a substitute for prescription medicine or lifestyle changes, however it has long had a reputation for assisting with blood pressure management. The research data is not conclusive, however it does appear that there is some evidence to support the role of garlic in reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure (1).

It appears that the reputed beneficial effects of garlic on blood pressure come more from the garlic sulphides than from allicin. Unlike allicin, garlic sulphides are not destroyed by cooking.

Garlic might also assist blood pressure indirectly by helping to manage cholesterol levels.

Finally, extra garlic can be used as a seasoning, thus reducing the need for salt.

If you think you have high blood pressure then you should consult your doctor first before considering any home diagnosis or treatment.