Monday 25 October 2021

Typical Symptoms of Intestinal Cancer

While there are many different cancers, some occurring more frequently than others, one of the rarer forms of cancer is intestinal cancer. This form of cancer occurs when the tissues of the intestine are infected with cancerous cells. Usually certain symptoms of intestinal cancer arise that can help your physician pinpoint your specific problem. Despite the disease's rarity, knowing these symptoms can be lifesaving.

Digestive problems

Given the role of your intestines in digestion, it is natural that one of the symptoms would relate to it. Cancer in the intestines can make it very difficult, and in some situations impossible, for food to pass. As a result, vomiting may occur.

Changes in your stool

Another warning sign of intestinal cancer is marked changes in your stool. For instance, your stool could become bloody, displaying a bright red color. On the other hand, it may also appear black. Signs like these should lead you to seek immediate medical attention. However, keep in mind that these signs do not necessarily mean you have intestinal cancer, since they can also be symptoms of less serious ailments. For instance, you could possibly have a more common problem such as irritable bowel syndrome or a peptic ulcer. Do not assume the worst!

Other symptoms

Intestinal cancer can lead to your experiencing other symptoms as well. For example, you might undergo weight loss that cannot be attributed to lifestyle changes. General fatigue is another common sign.

If your doctor makes a diagnosis of intestinal cancer, you have many options available for treatment. Recognizing the symptoms of intestinal cancer can help put more options on the table, since you can detect the cancer's presence sooner.

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